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MIDI Control Envelope Question [Velocity]


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Hey Folks--

I tried messing with this function the other night and couldn't figure it out, so I went with something else. I would still like to know if this can be done and how.

I would like to create an envelope for velocity where I can draw a steady increase in the velocity of a single sustained note. I've got several synths on the project I'm working on now, and I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall which one I want to apply this envelope to. I can post that as an edit tonight once I get back to my studio.

Can this be done?




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Velocity is a  note property so, a note can only have one velocity value.

Consider using volume instead of velocity. Either CC7 in the MIDI clip or automation envelope in the MIDI track (which is converted to CC7 on the fly) or audio track.

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Scook beat me to it. 

However, if you want to start with a soft sound, IOW low velocity, then build to loud sound, you will need several (or more) notes, each with a little more velocity. 


But if you just want one sound all the way through, scook's idea is best/easiest.

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OK, thanks. I kind of thought that was the issue since there were no MIDI events to increase velocity on beyond the initial note! ?

I'll try a volume increase to see if I get the effect I want. I like the sustain progression of a particular patch and only want that and not the attack to increase in one particular part of the track. I do, however, want the attack everywhere else in the track, so I don't really want to take the time to change the patch parameters for something so small. Can't see the ROI! ?


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1 hour ago, razor7music said:

Can't see the ROI!


I agree. But we have become so use to the 'easy' way, that we forget they had special techs (artists really!) that would come in to a very important recording session, and actually 'splice' parts of the recorded performances tape into pieces and reconstruct the tape to be able to be played like nothing ever happened to it. Imagine what a comp session was like back in those days!!



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15 minutes ago, Grem said:


I agree. But we have become so use to the 'easy' way, that we forget they had special techs (artists really!) that would come in to a very important recording session, and actually 'splice' parts of the recorded performances tape into pieces and reconstruct the tape to be able to be played like nothing ever happened to it. Imagine what a comp session was like back in those days!!



Oh, yes. I don't deny I'm being lazy on this one. It's just that I did find an alternative that gives me what I was looking for AND, I might not have liked the increasing velocity any better even if it was possible.

I spent the better part of my music career pursuits on experimentation. I thought I would discover the next great "thing". I didn't, but I did find that in most cases, if there is something I hear in my head, I can create it in my DAW. Someone told me once that was a great skill to have. I guess all those years with experimentation amounted to something!

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17 minutes ago, razor7music said:

all those years with experimentation amounted to something!


Experimentation is where it's at!! We fail when we confine ourselves to our own limitations!

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