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BTR (Original) Mixed in CbB


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Hi Group,

I originally tracked this in Studio One and then mixed it in Studio One. After that I exported the stems to Mixbus 32c and mixed it there.

This time around I changed the beginning verse and tracked some different guitars too. 

After being reinvigorated with all of the terrific progress that Bandlab has made with Cakewalk (I'm loving the new features and stability)I can say that it's my DAW of choice again! It's just fun to create music in. So many options.... and they pretty much all work now!  

       FYI.... I used an ssl master bus plugin and mastered the track with the Soundcloud service. It came in a little hot at the end so I will probably make some adjustments to better anticipate the mastering process there. 

 As a last mention this song caused a Big Stink in another DAW forum for the lyrical content and I had Cancel Culture Warriors trying to get it removed from the forum. I was pretty surprised that it touched such a raw nerve in some folks. Hopefully it will not be perceived that way here.  There is no profanity in the song like you might hear in other genres.... just a group of thoughts and opinions considered "wrong think" by some.



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 Craig , welcome back. This is a Powerful well written and performed song and it's time is Now. If you were from Alabama I would swear you were singing about @Tommy Tuberville , another m.*.*.a.  politician that makes me feel embarrassed to be from this state.  The maniacs are out in full force      Fantastic production          mark

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On 9/29/2021 at 3:43 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Enjoyed the track and the vocals - what exactly did anyone get upset about - perhaps I missed it?



Thank Nigel,

I posted the song in another Daw forum and I used to  post  my song  lyrics with the link. ( I try and include them in the sound cloud description these days).

A couple a betas got their panties in a wad over the lyrics and who/what the song was about. If a person accepts the BBC as their gospel and only news source then I understand why... but I like to look at many sides and I like to create story songs. The thread was eventually locked. That particular forum is pretty much a graveyard these days FWIW. 


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On 9/29/2021 at 12:11 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

I have to agree with the above comments; everything about this production is first class!  Songs like this showcase CW very well.  Keep it up!

Thanks Lynn.  

I'm really enjoying Cakewalk these days!

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On 9/29/2021 at 6:48 PM, mark skinner said:

 Craig , welcome back. This is a Powerful well written and performed song and it's time is Now. If you were from Alabama I would swear you were singing about @Tommy Tuberville , another m.*.*.a.  politician that makes me feel embarrassed to be from this state.  The maniacs are out in full force      Fantastic production          mark

Thanks Mark!

I know what you mean..... the ruling class has no regard for their "subjects".  I will longer pay attention to it until I have to.




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On 9/29/2021 at 2:09 PM, Larry T. said:

very good work....love male and female vocals on a song....the "eleanor rigby" strings are great....????

Thanks Larry! 

I'm a lucky guy to have a wife that can sing!

She keeps me from "Debbie Booneing it"



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On 10/1/2021 at 10:47 AM, KurtS said:

That's quite a dense production,  very good work! Agree the string arrangement is cool. Only tiny niggle for me is the drums  sound a bit mechanical. 

Thanks Kurt,

Coming from a musician of your caliber means alot to me.

After listening to the song after a couple of days off from it I'm thinking that there's not enough definition in the choruses. I just started testing the soundcloud automated mastering service which in my opinion is not bad at all for as cheap as it is but it does make  you realize that you have to mix with some anticipation of how the mastering is gonna squash things and ultimately what parts are going to sonically squirt out of the dense clump of sound.  Once you pay for your choices it's a done deal although you can preview parts of the song mastered.

As far as the drums that's a tough one for me... it always has been because I don't think like a drummer. I have so much respect for a good drummer that doesn't over play and plays in the groove. 

I downloaded a midi mega pack from Groove Monkey sometime ago which has over 3000 human played midi tracks of different styles to choose from and so when I fire up Addictive drums the workflow is pretty easy to be able to audition different midi loops.   I keep auditioning midi loops and fills until I get something that I'm  okay with. It's a very tough thing to do for a non drummer.   

Can you tell me where this mechanical vibe is coming from.... anything specific?  



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I just listened again and am even more impressed with your song. It must have been a lot of work with all those changes.  It may be more the sound of the kit, I think I like an old school natural sound.  Not a fan of clicky kick drums and percussive compressed snare. This a very popular sound now. That is totally a personal preference thing, don't pay any attention to me you did a great job.

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On 10/2/2021 at 9:50 PM, KurtS said:

I just listened again and am even more impressed with your song. It must have been a lot of work with all those changes.  It may be more the sound of the kit, I think I like an old school natural sound.  Not a fan of clicky kick drums and percussive compressed snare. This a very popular sound now. That is totally a personal preference thing, don't pay any attention to me you did a great job.

Thanks Kurt.

You bring up a great point about the clicky  kick drums and compressed snare. 

        I'm totally blown away by the really excellent drum sounds we were hearing in the 70's to be honest with you.  An example like Elton John's "Captain Fantastic" album comes to mind.... the tom sounds were legendary and the balance of the drum kit in the music was perfect. Of course the songwriting was absolutely sick!

       One of my absolute favorite drum kit sounds of all time in a Rock song is the studio recording of Rick Deringer's "Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo".....(especially the toms!) The groove between the bass guitar and the drums still blows my mind today..... and let's not forget the lead guitar work..... it was Derringer's finest performance. He captured magic in that guitar solo.  There are better players out there but sometimes a person will capture that intangible magic..... be lucky enough to record it.... and it lives on forever. 

Another great 70's rock drum sound was mixed in "Frankenstein" Of course these are just a few of thousands across many genre's of the 70s.

       My  problem is I don't know how to get those drum sounds at this point. They are dry and powerful and have great presence in a song but don't overpower. The key I believe there is in the  compression and the source sound.  The dry thud of the 70's toms eq'd properly and placed is something to behold.


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12 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

Great mix and production - I especially liked the bgv's which brought Styx of all things to mind! Super cool!




Thanks Tom,

Dude....... your channel is blowing me away.  Seriously .....you are unique in the universe!


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There's lot's of kits out there that you should be able to plug in to your drum software.  Building drum tracks is not my strength for sure.  I've been using Jamstix which uses an AI to play your parts. Its super easy to make basic track but not easy to make a complicated one like yours.  I like the Natural rock kit sounds it has. I've been thinking of trying a different program,  addictive drums or easy drummer for more control over the parts.  My brother used to play drums for me but I can't get him to do it anymore. 

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