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NEW Imagine synth by Expressive E and AAS

Larry Shelby

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We have had the pleasure this last year to collaborate with our friends at French company Expressive E in the creation of the Imagine synth. At the forefront of a new generation of controllers that provide multidimensional expression, their expertise proved to be a perfect match for our physical modeling technology.

They created a flexible and playful interface based around real-time manipulations allowing one to morph between layers of resonating objects. This inspired their sound design team to create a brilliant library of rich organic soundscapes which we are certain you will find great pleasure exploring.

In order to mark the release of Imagine, Expressive E is offering a 40% introductory discount on the price of Imagine. Don't miss it!

To buy and get more information about Imagine, visit the address below.


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7 minutes ago, antler said:

Looks very similar to Chromaphone. I wonder how much they actually differ.

My exact thoughts when I saw this earlier, and I actually typed "aka chromaphone" as a reply, but I decided not to be the cynic for a change and deleted it again.

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Hate this new GUI fad à la Unfiltered Audio.

It's basically what's known as "programmer graphics" or "coder art" in the indie game development scene where a lone programmer without artistic talent or interests uses awkward placeholder art (sometimes shipping the final product as is), riding the flat UI trend to cut costs on graphic design.

I guess some people find it attractive for some reason, but to me it's a distasteful compromise and hits the sour spot on the continuum between spartan utilitarianism and eyecandy.

Melda dodges the sour spot despite getting uncomfortably close. Sugar Bytes does eyecandy well. HrastProgrammer's Tranzistow does spartan well.

I get the impression that people are more afraid of expressing style now than before. They fear becoming "dated" and it sucks the personality out of some artistic outlets. What's worse than being dated? At least nobody can get provoked by your GUI and accuse it of being racist/leftist/neocon/libtard/transphobe/SJW/pro-Trump, when it doesn't look, taste, smell or feel like anything

Thanks, Obama.

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2 hours ago, sarine said:

I get the impression that people are more afraid of expressing style now than before. They fear becoming "dated" and it sucks the personality out of some artistic outlets. What's worse than being dated? At least nobody can get provoked by your GUI and accuse it of being racist/leftist/neocon/libtard/transphobe/SJW/pro-Trump, when it doesn't look, taste, smell or feel like anything

Thanks, Obama.


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12 hours ago, RSMcGuitar said:

Wow, that escalated quickly into irrelevant territory...

The UI critique was relevant regardless of whether or not you find it significant or agreeable.


12 hours ago, abacab said:

No politics on this forum please! Please stay on topic!

It's a meme and the intended use was to lighten the mood. My apologies - I shouldn't presume everyone knows what I know.



""Thanks, Obama!" is a sarcastic expression used by critics of President Barack Obama to blame personal troubles and inconveniences on public policies supported or enacted by the administration. The phrase is often used to caption animated GIFs in which the subject appears to be struggling with a rather simple task, satirizing those who scapegoat Obama as the cause of problems for which he has little or no influence."

"Obama himself became aware of the meme and referenced it on more than one occasion. In a 2015 BuzzFeed video aimed at raising awareness for the Affordable Care Act, the president responded to a cookie too large for his glass of milk by muttering “Thanks, Obama” under his breath."


5 hours ago, Freyja Grimaude-Valens said:

Incoherent idiotic political ramblings aside, ...

I thought it would be clear from the context that if anything my ramblings were anti-political. What was apparently incoherent was the rough transition to absurdity towards the end, i.e. from serious critique to jesting about how these days politics gets injected into everything, while also trying to insinuate that perhaps that contributes to people being more cautious about expressing their personality in fear of it not fitting in to a socially acceptable category. It's much safer to be neutral and colorless. The effect is evident in public discourse and arts, where people project ideological stances onto art, stemming from their own insecurities - some of which is attributable to social pressure. This is a thread about a VST, but this is also a forum of artists/producers, and I thought an off-hand remark about a possible connection between trends in graphic design and the soul-suffocating effects of fascistic discussion culture and thought-policing - albeit admittedly far-fetched - might at least spark someone's imagination. The only thing downright idiotic was my illusion of transparency.


We can go back to discussing the VST now, but I reserve the right to explain myself. If I offended someone then I'm sorry and I assure you it was not my intention. Unless you do the specific kind of lazy GUI design I was offending against.


11 hours ago, User 905133 said:


The best response, let's leave it at that.

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I bought it, but not sure I’ll keep it. Seems like it is geared more towards a live performance instrument, but that’s just my initial take. Similar in sound to Chromaphone which I think I like better. No trial available, but there’s a 30-day return policy. 

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17 hours ago, sarine said:

Hate this new GUI fad à la Unfiltered Audio.

It's basically what's known as "programmer graphics" or "coder art" in the indie game development scene where a lone programmer without artistic talent or interests uses awkward placeholder art (sometimes shipping the final product as is), riding the flat UI trend to cut costs on graphic design.

I guess some people find it attractive for some reason, but to me it's a distasteful compromise and hits the sour spot on the continuum between spartan utilitarianism and eyecandy.

Melda dodges the sour spot despite getting uncomfortably close. Sugar Bytes does eyecandy well. HrastProgrammer's Tranzistow does spartan well.

I get the impression that people are more afraid of expressing style now than before. They fear becoming "dated" and it sucks the personality out of some artistic outlets. What's worse than being dated? At least nobody can get provoked by your GUI and accuse it of being racist/leftist/neocon/libtard/transphobe/SJW/pro-Trump, when it doesn't look, taste, smell or feel like anything

Thanks, Obama.

cool post. never heard of "coder art". i am in IT and deal with developers all day.

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15 hours ago, antler said:

Kinda looks like Chromaphone, but with a UI specialised for their controllers. The video features other controllers too, though it looks like the Touché gets special treatment.


Yeah. I watched the video and dont get this. SO you but the plugin and put maschine into MIDI mode and play notes? Does it have special templates for Maschine and Push?

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3 hours ago, sarine said:

The UI critique was relevant regardless of whether or not you find it significant or agreeable.

It's a meme and the intended use was to lighten the mood. My apologies - I shouldn't presume everyone knows what I know.

Up until your post went off the deep end, I actually agreed with your assessment of UIs. I haven't looked at Expressive E yet so can't comment on that, but I was not a fan of the trend toward flat and  minimalism. I know some people will say it is all about the sound, but a good UI can inspire as well. 

Edited by Doug Rintoul
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