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Back from the Dead. Again.


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10 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Yes, Dave likes that. 

Maybe 25 years ago I was playing a gig in which there was raised customer seating behind the band. A beautiful woman leaned over the railing behind me between songs and whispered "I've been watching you play and wondering what those fingers could do to a woman's body".

She couldn't have halted the performance more quickly had she pulled the power cable out of the wall. Sadly, she left before the end of the set so I never got to encourage her to expound further.

She was just trying to get you . . . to play her wedding for free. ?

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12 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Yes, Dave likes that. 

Maybe 25 years ago I was playing a gig in which there was raised customer seating behind the band. A beautiful woman leaned over the railing behind me between songs and whispered "I've been watching you play and wondering what those fingers could do to a woman's body".

She couldn't have halted the performance more quickly had she pulled the power cable out of the wall. Sadly, she left before the end of the set so I never got to encourage her to expound further.

Sadly she was just being a tease.  A true groupie would have stayed around until the end, gotten wasted, fallen onto the stage while dancing and spilled her beer into the mixer.

(Don't ask how I know...?)

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So true, Craig. Why do we romanticize drunk girls?

Sure, they're much easier to get the pants off of, but that's it. If there is even a remote chance of vomit being involved, I do not want them anywhere near my stuff. Or my electronics, either.

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I haven't touched a drop of booze or done any illegal drugs since August of 1983 .

Living One Day At a Time  ...is challenging even on a good day 

Kissing  a girl that has the taste of booze and stale smoke on her breath ....nope ...

No Ken Do ..been there and done that enough times to have learned my lessons.

My fingers are crossed on that one because I may  still suffer from the whole delusion of "this time it's gonna be different "

I will take a life of not so much fun over the roller coaster ride of a life of Drama .....

There can only be One Drama Queen in my life at any given time . So if   ain't gonna be her it's gonna have to be be me


Edited by Kenny Wilson
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Same here.

My last drink was on New Year's Eve 1986.  I can also pinpoint the exact date of my first debilitating hangover: January 1st 1987.

It was an out of town gig so we had to drive hours to get home, through terrifying winter conditions. Though fearful of whether or not our bass player's erratic driving might get us killed, I couldn't help but wonder if death might actually be a relief. I was an undiagnosed diabetic at the time, which I'm sure contributed to the intensity of the hangover. It was unpleasant enough to deter me from drinking from then on.

Yeah, sometimes I feel like the odd man out as the only sober one in a group. However, I do not begrudge others' drinking. They are enjoying life in their own way, and I am not so arrogant as to tell them that only I know the "right" way to live. Doing so would only give them permission to tell me all the ways I've gotten it wrong. Next thing you know, they're bringing me pamphlets. Noooo!

So if you come to my house, you're welcome to have a drink. Just BYOB.

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32 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

So if you come to my house, you're welcome to have a drink. Just BYOB

That's our motto too.   My wife's medical condition and alcohol don't mix.  I got plastered in my youth and when Chicago had a big increase in liquor tax I just stopped drinking, not worth it to me. I'll have a drink once in a blue moon now but I don't like to go out drinking socially.

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On 4/25/2019 at 7:27 AM, bitflipper said:

I also can't drink coffee, which, ironically, has encouraged insomnia. That has left me in a strange waking-dream state, but maybe that'll actually be conducive to creativity. Lemonade, you know.


CBD oil?

a little mild thc-imbued snack?


works charms for...... a trillion other people.


good luck, would love to hear some clips of the band.

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Nor do I, Ed. Nor do I.

Geoff, looking forward to catching up. Let me know when you'll be in town.

Today, in a celebration of life and a renewed confirmation that  "you can't take it with you", I bought myself a new microphone. Some would have gone for a new pair of sneakers or a concert ticket, but I went with a new mic. A Sennheiser e945 to replace my old SM58 standby.

These days I prefer a handheld dynamic over a condenser when recording my own voice. Mostly, though, this one's for stage use. I'm hoping its narrower pickup pattern will help with feedback issues - my vocal/keyboard monitor is an 8" QSC on a stand that sits to my left at ear level. It works well, but in some rooms I can't get as much volume as I'd like due to feedback.

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Hey, Dave,

It's great to see you back on the forum, and sincere best wishes for a speedy recovery!  I'm sure you'll be out playing live with your band again very soon!?

By the way, I still miss the old "Techniques" forum on the Mother site.  I always used to look forward to You, DMBaer, Craig Anderton, etc. posting interesting and informative articles and tips that were always very helpful!

Anyway, great to see you back and get well soon, brother!?



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Thanks, guys. Yep, it's gonna be great to get back to gigging.

Loving this new mic. "I been singin' with my band" ... Saturday's rehearsal, the first song I tried it out on was Fat Bottom Girls. Hitting those high notes and pulling back from the mic, the tone doesn't thin out like the '58 does. Not that the Shure sounds bad. I still think it's a good mic and an amazing value. But you need to stay right on it in order to get a consistent tone. I think the Sennheiser will work well for recording, too, which I hope to try this week.

Sunday went to a performance of the Seattle Rock Orchestra. That's a group of maybe 60 players, mostly young and mostly amateurs, consisting of strings, brass, choir, drums and electric bass. And four excellent vocalists. They cover classic rock albums.

The concert was in a nice-sounding old theater (The Moore for people who know of it) in Seattle. Sound reinforcement could have been better, and the performers flubbed a few cues. But overall it was very, very enjoyable. They played all of Abbey Road and several selections from the White Album. Maybe it was just the edibles, but when they did four part harmony on Because and Sun King I floated out of my chair a little. The encore was Long and Winding Road, which got a standing ovation.

In November they'll be back at the Moore doing the first two Led Zeppelin albums. Next Mother's Day it'll be Revolver and Rubber Soul. If I'm still alive then, I'll be there.


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