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Velocity marking in Pianoroll.

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Hi Guys,

What is the most easy (best) way to select a number of drum notes from pianoroll view, that have less velocity than others?
Without choosing every single one in a 6 minutes long song.

Why is it not possible to use the mouse and just mark all the low velocity notes all at a time. I think that was possible before. But i have forgotten how to  When i do it now, all other notes within the same velocity also get´s activated (fx. hihat notes etc)
I know ways with find/change/filter/cal but i wan´t it to be done in pianoroll.

Kind regards


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3 hours ago, Paw Vester Kristensen said:

Hi Guys,

What is the most easy (best) way to select a number of drum notes from pianoroll view, that have less velocity than others?
Without choosing every single one in a 6 minutes long song.

GREAT POST... never thought about the problem... but I found an elegant solution!!!!!

Select the midi clip of on interest. Add the midi effect "Velocity". There is a setting within that effect called "Limit". Limit can select a lower limit and and an upper limit. For your particular goal, set the lower limit. Be sure to click on the little circle above it to make the limit active.  In the image below, I have set a minimum velocity of 75.

At this point, all of your notes in that clip will have a minimum velocity. You can choose to stop right here... and keep the Midi effect active... or... drum roll... BOUNCE the clip.  You are left with a midi clip, no more MIdi effect, but all your notes will have the desired minimum.


Edited by Rickddd
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7 minutes ago, Paw Vester Kristensen said:

HI Rickddd

Thanks for Your solution hack. I will surely try it out.
A question: Will that not take effect on all the notes on that track? You see i have hihats, snares and kicks.
And my aim is to only find the low velocitys of the kick drum.


I would think it would impact everything in a particular clip. So yeah, high hat etc.  But there's a  work around for that.

1. Create a new take lane, copy the clip into it. So you have lets call it identical clips A & B.

2. Now, the goal would be to take the kick out of say clip A, and ONLY have the kick in clip B.

3. Different ways to do that, but here's one way.... but there is a better way I'll mention at bottom.

a. Lock the data in clip B (Right mouse click > click lock > lock data)
b. Click on Clip A, click on the piano note for the Kick, hit delete.  It will look like it did not delete it because the other clip is there as well.
c. Now lock data in clip A, and unlock B.  Remove all but kick in B.
d. Now you have two clips, one atop another, that will work exactly like teh single clip
e. Now, on clip B, the one holding the kick, do teh midi effect thing. Remember, you are not working the track now, but the take lane.

That's it.  BTW,  if you don't want to go through the lock, unlock thing, another way to quickly do it would be to create a temp midi track. MOve a copy to it, delete the kick in one and the rest in the other, then move it back.

The other way you might approach things in the future, depending on what drums you use, is to have a track for just the kick, just the snare etc.  I use Kontact, it's a bit of a pain to do this, but it works.

But you may want to stick with the 1st method.

I'm just a self-taught country boy some others may have a better way to accomplish it. But I don't think it's too awful bad after you do it once.

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Hi Rickddd


But it seemed to be work arounds.

I have been doing professional MIDI-files since 1994. And work with pianoroll every single day. 
So the copy pasting tracks are more work for me than to take a whole region record take again.

So I have pointed this issue out to the Cakewalk developers, because it should be quite easy to implement, if not there already.

They will surely return with a good way directly in the pianoroll window graphical as it should be in 2021.



regards Paw.


Edited by Paw Vester Kristensen
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3 hours ago, scook said:
  1. Select the row in the PRV
  2. Open Edit > Select > By Filter...
  3. Enter the Min/Max velocity to keep selected

 Thanks for your comment. 

But There are many reasons not to do that.

1. You will end up with static sounding kicks with same velocity.

2. It’s not intuitive when You are in the pianoroll to open a dusty filter from the 90’s

3. I prefer editing with the mouse, not by numbers.

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37 minutes ago, Paw Vester Kristensen said:

1. You will end up with static sounding kicks with same velocity.

The process described does not set the velocity, it makes the filtered selection as requested

11 hours ago, Paw Vester Kristensen said:

What is the most easy (best) way to select a number of drum notes from pianoroll view, that have less velocity than others?

What you do with the selected notes is up to you.

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The feature already exists. scook told you how to do it.

If that's too complicated, just select your low-velocity hits by dragging a selection square in the controller pane. Adjust them as a group. They won't all be the same velocity; their ratios will remain intact. Of course, if you want to adjust just the kick you'll have to first isolate those notes into another track. Fortunately that's quick and easy to do.


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11 hours ago, bitflipper said:

The feature already exists. scook told you how to do it.

If that's too complicated, just select your low-velocity hits by dragging a selection square in the controller pane. Adjust them as a group. They won't all be the same velocity; their ratios will remain intact. Of course, if you want to adjust just the kick you'll have to first isolate those notes into another track. Fortunately that's quick and easy to do.


Thank you bitflipper ! . . . long time Cakewalker, didn't know this shortcut was possible, nice nice nice, I will use this a lot for drum editing.

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