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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]

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Elastique Pro is pretty much the standard these days. Primarily because it operates in realtime unlike Radius but it also sounds great. Radius was good but they discontinued support many years ago. 
BandLab also has its own propretary real time stretching called AudioStretch which is very good. I may integrate it as another choice in the future. You can check it out in BandLab or in Android/IOS there is an AudioStretch app.

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6 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

I need help/clarification.

1 - I use a standard project to master.
2 - In this project I inserted two tasks. One to generate WAV and one to generate MP3.
3 - In this project I import the mixed WAV.
4 - I use the ENTIRE PROJECT parameter in the tasks, as it is in this same project that I perform the mastering. So the size of each track/tempo changes with each mastering I'm going to do.
5 - However, the execution of tasks at each import of a new track to master is not executed.
6 - The only solution I have found so far is to RETRIEVE THE PARAMETERS OF EACH TASK, confirm that I want to ENTIRE PROJECT and execute.

Any tips for the tasks to be executed considering the new sizes/times of the inserted track?

That was one of my issues. The tasks pickup filename and path when created. So we must create new tasks each time we need to change these... It's not just the audio settings. 

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1 hour ago, Milton Sica said:

Many thanks for the reply.

Yes it does! Keeps the times in which it was generated in the task.

I would like to leave my suggestion so that there was an option or a question to the user when performing the tasks. Something like:

Execute the tasks using the project's current time options ?

If YES - Run with times (current start and end).
If NO - Run with what is recorded in the task.

In the way I work this would be much easier and faster than Reset Task options, Update with new options and then run.

Thanks. Thank you very much.

There’s an idea. An option to force tasks to use current filename/path. That would solve my issues too!

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2 hours ago, Keni said:

That was one of my issues. The tasks pickup filename and path when created. So we must create new tasks each time we need to change these... It's not just the audio settings. 

Please read the docs on using the tags. You can parameterize the file names. If you use fixed file names and want to change them then of course you need to create new tasks for them. The program can't guess what you want to do.

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17 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Please read the docs on using the tags. You can parameterize the file names. If you use fixed file names and want to change them then of course you need to create new tasks for them. The program can't guess what you want to do.

Thanks Noel.


I did look, but I'll look again. Maybe if I explain my scenario.

I have a cwp I use for a large part of my mastering.

I import my file to it and create a 16/44.1 wav and mp3. Both with pow-r3 dithering.

so I continually need to rename based on imported filename and unique project/output path.

I didn’t see a way to make that happen.


Now if tasks had an option to read current filename and path, it would be simple enough.

Is such ability there and I didn’t see it?


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I think I see how to get it to accept the constant filename changes using clip name with an appendage signifying mastered on my machine. Great! Getting closer (if that works for me),


But I still see no way of picking up the live output folder. Looks one step closer though! A big step (or two!) ?


Thanks Bakers!


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Different result here.


Using the clipname tag plus a space and the letter M

path is et to my current needed output

I created two new tasks. One for the wav file output and the other for the mp3 output. So far I can't find either. Definitely not in the folder set in the path area.


Back to looking for it, then gotta make the outputs the old way as I need it done....



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11 minutes ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Look at the menu tap top right in the export window. 

Thanks Will...


Yes, I know where the path gets set, but my issue is with needing an option in tasks that will allow a task to use the currently set path instead of one task-contained, It appears to be able to do this with filenames using tags though...

So far, my experiments with tags to pickup filename has not worked, but without the patch changing, I still have to create new tasks every time. Still saves a little time as I can walk away while both wav/mp3 get done...


Ah... just found the files. They did get to the correct folder, but the clipname was not inserted. Only the additional space and M which I added beyond the clipname tag. So it didn't pickup the clipname...

Just noticed an option  to reset tasks to current settings. Is this what I've been searching for???


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2 minutes ago, Keni said:



Different result here.


Using the clipname tag plus a space and the letter M

path is et to my current needed output

I created two new tasks. One for the wav file output and the other for the mp3 output. So far I can't find either. Definitely not in the folder set in the path area.


Back to looking for it, then gotta make the outputs the old way as I need it done....



You have to clear (delete the default name) before entering the tag menu and choose the correct correspondence category for tags. There's room for improvement. Example when choosing what to export - one would expect the naming to bee automatically by default and have the rest adding in manually should you require any of the extra tags. 

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5 minutes ago, Keni said:

Thanks Will...


Yes, I know where the path gets set, but my issue is with needing an option in tasks that will allow a task to use the currently set path instead of one task-contained, It appears to be able to do this with filenames using tags though...

So far, my experiments with tags to pickup filename has not worked, but without the patch changing, I still have to create new tasks every time. Still saves a little time as I can walk away while both wav/mp3 get done...



Just noticed an option  to reset tasks to current settings. Is this what I've been searching for???


There we go. ☺ 3dotted lines ?

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1 minute ago, Will_Kaydo said:

There we go. ☺ 3dotted lines ?

Now if I can get it to pickup the clipname! I did clear the field prior to selecting my tag, etc.... but the clipname is not inserted. I am about to try the procedure again...


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1 hour ago, Keni said:

Now if tasks had an option to read current filename and path, it would be simple enough.

Not sure what current filename refers to. The token “projectname” will expand to the actual project name. 
If you save as a new project then your exports can inherit that name automatically.



Filename and location are shown as two separate fields. Filename is the name of the file you want your exported audio to be called, and location is the directory where it should be saved.

When you first open the dialog, the location will be set to the default location as specified in Edit > Preferences > File - Folder Locations under Export Audio Files. The default is \Audio Exports under the current project directory, where the current project folder is indicated by the %PROJECTFOLDER% environment variable.

You can change the export directory by clicking on the browse location button , and this location will be remembered for the duration of the project’s session. You can change the global export location for all projects with the Export Audio Files path in Edit > Preferences > File - Folder Locations.



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3 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Not sure what current filename refers to. The token “projectname” will expand to the actual project name. 
If you save as a new project then your exports can inherit that name automatically.


Thanks Noel...


I got that. I'm having trouble getting it to pickup the clipname using it's tag. I don't want the project name...


{clipname} M

I got


Trying again right now...


Interesting... It won't let me as it is trying to over write the files named M still ignoring the clipname tag




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5 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

AFIK The track and clip tokens only apply when exporting with source category track or clip respectively. If you are exporting the entire project it wont pick those up since the export isn’t per clip.

Thanks Noel... I'll look over that aspect too The project is only one track and  What little processing I'm doing is in the PC. I might try using the track instead of the master bus as I'm not doing anything there...?


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10 minutes ago, Keni said:

Thanks Noel...


I got that. I'm having trouble getting it to pickup the clipname using it's tag. I don't want the project name...


{clipname} M

I got


Trying again right now...


Interesting... It won't let me as it is trying to over write the files named M still ignoring the clipname tag




Okay. If I understand correctly from top of my head: In order to get the clip names - you have to expand the WHAT TO EXPORT CATERGORY and in the drop down menu right there choose CLIPS. Remove the filename (don't think its necessary for clips) click the tag icon and under TRACK/CLIP PROPERTIES click on the clip tap to get the clip (s) name. 

Forgive me for not making a video to show this. We never had snow before where i'm from and it's been snowing the past 5 years every year. So as you can imagine, i'm upstairs in bed with the heat fan blowing watching Netflix. Not use to this extreme cold and the studio is not equipped with a 2-in-1 AC. 

Global warming is real. 

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1 minute ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Okay. If I understand correctly from top of my head: In order to get the clip names - you have to expand the WHAT TO EXPORT CATERGORY and in the drop down menu right there choose CLIPS. Remove the filename (don't think its necessary for clips) click the tag icon and under TRACK/CLIP PROPERTIES click on the clip tap to get the clip (s) name. 

Forgive me for not making a video to show this. We never had snow before where i'm from and it's been snowing the past 5 years every year. So as you can imagine, i'm upstairs in bed with the heat fan blowing watching Netflix. Not use to this extreme cold and the studio is not equipped with a 2-in-1 AC. 

Global warming is real. 

Nothing to forgive. You're helping me! I appreciate what I get, not what I don't get.... though I keep looking! ?

Wow! Snow while we're buring up! Small planet, lots of places! ? I wish I could send you some of our heat!


Yeah, I get it now about the clip source needed to use clipname tag.... So it's not gonna help me... But discovery of the reset tasks to current setting might be another boon but I'm too burnt to try any more tonight... Tomorrow!



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