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East West Opus not working in Sonar

Thomas Roller

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I few months back I I was having trouble with Opus working in Sonar.  I finally have it working. thanks to Michael from E.W.  Here is the procedure that helped me.

Update for Case 131265 - "Opus"

Hey Tom,

I'm not seeing we have any other e-mail from you since 2014. However, if the standalone version of Opus will not open, the plugin definitely won't either. Also, I do see you have some old blue iLok 1 keys, but you have nothing on them - Opus and the latest play are both incompatible with those so make sure you unplug those old blue keys if any are plugged in. 

Then please try the following:

Main Application Data Removal
1. Open a file Explorer window and go to C:\Program Data\East West\
Note: Program data is a hidden folder by default so you may need to change your view settings to show hidden items

You could delete the entire EastWest folder, or delete everything there but the QL Spaces/EW Spaces II folders (If you delete those as well you’ll just have to reinstall them also)

Plugin Removal

2. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and remove the VST3 of Opus/Play.vst3 and the Opus.res file

3. Next, for the .AAX plugin, go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\
And delete the .aax for both and .res file for Opus
4. By default, the Opus and Play vst2.4 files write to C:\Program Files\vstplugins - there (or elsewhere if you don’t have them there,  you can search for the play_VST_x64.dll , Opus.dll, and Opus.res files and delete those

Empty the trash and then restart your PC.


5. Download the latest versions of the software /reinstall them in this order:

Opus: http://software.soundsonline.com/Products/OPUS/Opus_1.0.3_Win.zip
Product Installer: http://software.soundsonline.com/Products/ProductSupport/Product_7.2.5_Win.zip

Play: http://software.soundsonline.com/Products/PLAY/Play_6.1.9_Win.zip

EW Spaces II - http://software.soundsonline.com/Products/Spaces2/2.0.2/SpacesII_2.0.2_Win.zip

QL Spaces - http://software.soundsonline.com/Products/QL_Spaces/1.1.26/Spaces_1.1.26_Win.zip

Library Reconnect
6. Next, you can reset the locations of your libraries, the easiest/fastest way is to do so through the EW Installation Center:

EW Installation Center

A. Open the Installation Center and Login with your soundsonline.com account

B. Click the Main Menu and choose 'Reconnect Libraries' 

Note: That should refresh the connection to all the libraries you have installed, but if not, follow the steps below 

C. Hover over the library you want to add, and a gear should show up on the right-hand side

D. Click the Gear and then choose ‘Locate Directory’

E. Find/Select the Instruments folder inside the Main Library Folder, then click ‘Open’

That library should then move itself into either your ‘Updates’ section, which you should then run, or into ’Installed Libraries’ which means it should be ready to use in both Opus and Play.

Then let me know if you still have any issues.


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