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Having multiple plugin windows open at once

Myriad Rocker

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Forgive me if this answer is obvious. I've searched the online manual and the forum. Is there a setting I'm missing on how I can have multiple plugin windows open at once?  If I open one and then open another on the same track, the first one goes away. I feel like I should know this but I've just dealt with it and moved on. Workflow thing at this point. 

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  • 10 months later...

A few months after the event, but being new to Cakewalk wanted to upvote or what the term is for good tip!

Similar problem, switching from reMIDI to Scaler and getting annoyed that the windows kept closing!   "Recycle Plugin Windows" - why not "Keep Plugin Windows Open"  make more sense ?

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I just mutidock all my synths and float it.  The only problem with this is there is no way to reorder the multi dock windows tabs linearly.  If your first window is a piano that you latter add a reverb on it, you have to side scroll through all the tabs.

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The keyboard nerd here with an additional tip:

If you have "Recycle plugin Windows" enabled, you can temporarily disable it by keeping CTRL pressed while you double click a plugin. ⌨️ ?

On 8/16/2021 at 4:02 AM, Myriad Rocker said:

Many thanks all! I wouldn't have guessed "Recycle Plugin Windows" meant that.

Yeah, I agree it's too cryptical. Recycling is obviously the future, but it's not self-evident what plugin recycling means... ?

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