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new Bats Brew single: "Hear the Call"

bats brew

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a brand new single,
sounds best loud.



i heard the newsflash today,
it was a weird thing to say,
it was a callout to action

i thought that china was here,
i thought the russians invaded,
it's domestic reaction!

Yea, the kids are scared of the school,
there seems to be no more rule
i wonder 'where is the justice'

the freaks have run in the street
the blood is under their feet
there's no more moral compass

*was it just a big illusion?
is there cause for retribution?
what caused all of this collusion?
i think i know.

they said that 'this is our house'
they're even there with the spouse,
she says she ‘thinks they’re fakin'

the fat guy said he is proud,
i mean, he said it out loud!
it's the tree he's been shakin'

*was it just a big illusion?
is there cause for retribution?
what caused all of this collusion?
i think i know.

its time to gather the force,
we're going to change up the course,
it's time to bring down the hammer

the fools that followed along,
you know they got it all wrong,
this time there wont be no glamour

Hear the call….
Hear the Qall….
Hear the call….

i heard the newsflash today,
it was a weird thing to say,
it was a callout for action

i thought that china was here,
i thought the russians invaded,
it's domestic reaction!!

Blood on the feet,
Blood on the feet.

the kids are scared of the school
the freaks have run in the street
they say that 'this is our house'
the fat guy says he is proud!

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22 hours ago, batsbrew said:

i thought that china was here,
i thought the russians invaded were near,
it's domestic reaction!

If I'm co-producing that's the only change I make.

? ? ?'s


3 hours ago, batsbrew said:

Strymon Iridium

unobtainium bestaminium!
I've been riding an AXE II XL Plus of late

Edited by DeeringAmps
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3 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

If I'm co-producing that's the only change I make.

? ? ?'s


unobtainium bestaminium!
I've been riding an AXE II XL Plus of late

hehe, you funny deering!

hey, thanks for the support... i really need it!

the iridium, in combo with my pedalboard, is giving me EVERYTHING i want during tracking...

as i navigate the deep waters of available IR's, i'm finding the ones that really work for what i'm looking for, 

so it's fun and new, even if i'm looking for more classic rock tones, it sounds fresh.



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16 hours ago, batsbrew said:

the iridium, in combo with my pedalboard, is giving me EVERYTHING i want during tracking...

I neglected to add that the iridium sounds great! ?
What's in the pedalboard? You boosting the signal before it hits the Iridium?
I've never been a "pedal" guy; in the day it was one cord from the Paul, straight into the Plexi stack
(pretty much wide open... well "dimed" anyway, I didn't have one of them fancy goes to "11" Spinal Tap Models)
I did have a Tweed Twin that went to "12". (the dual rect, 40 watter, not the later, much coveted, "high" output one;
it had four "big bottles", I assumed it was 80 watts, aren't all Twins? what did I know at the time?)
But I never "abused" the Twin, bought it on "spec" for $25; pretty much the no-brainer deal price at the time...
(Wholesaled it out at $300, top retail at the time was $500ish, right buyer, something else had caught my eye, needed cash...)
I've been watching Tim Pierce's channel, he has a literal ton of vintage amps, but he always has some kind of "drive" pedal in front of the them...
maybe that's the diff between "real" guitar players and "hackers" like myself...
(I do put you in the former, not the latter, category btw)


boy I rambled a bit there, must be "age" catching up with me, sorry 'bout hijackin' your thread...

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On 8/14/2021 at 6:53 AM, DeeringAmps said:

I neglected to add that the iridium sounds great! ?
What's in the pedalboard? You boosting the signal before it hits the Iridium?
I've never been a "pedal" guy; in the day it was one cord from the Paul, straight into the Plexi stack
(pretty much wide open... well "dimed" anyway, I didn't have one of them fancy goes to "11" Spinal Tap Models)
I did have a Tweed Twin that went to "12". (the dual rect, 40 watter, not the later, much coveted, "high" output one;
it had four "big bottles", I assumed it was 80 watts, aren't all Twins? what did I know at the time?)
But I never "abused" the Twin, bought it on "spec" for $25; pretty much the no-brainer deal price at the time...
(Wholesaled it out at $300, top retail at the time was $500ish, right buyer, something else had caught my eye, needed cash...)
I've been watching Tim Pierce's channel, he has a literal ton of vintage amps, but he always has some kind of "drive" pedal in front of the them...
maybe that's the diff between "real" guitar players and "hackers" like myself...
(I do put you in the former, not the latter, category btw)


boy I rambled a bit there, must be "age" catching up with me, sorry 'bout hijackin' your thread...


yea, the iridium Does sound great! 


pedalboard: budda wah, fulltone fatboost III, barber tone press, barber direct drive super sport, REVV g3, fulltone mini deja vibe, couple of other things i use when i need, but on this recording, it's all straight guitar into Iridium.

basically, it's like you describe, a guitar straight into a plexi and a 4x12 cab. can't remember the mic,

but it was NOT a 57.


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tom, here's the current board you were asking about:


the fatboost covers simple level boost... works great with all 3 iridium models...

the tone press can be used by itself or in combo with the fatboost...

the direct drive covers my tube screamer type overdrive, but the way i have the internals set, there is no mid hump, it's got a bit of top end and low end...


the Revv G3 provides all of my modern high gain. it sounds good in all 3 models, but sounds the most clear into the Fender Deluxe model, of course.

the Exacta covers 3 different fuzz's.....

and the mini deja vibe gives me swirlies.


budda wah is my favorite, very vocal, very cutting.

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