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IK 25th Anniversary Group Buy!

Larry Shelby

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9 hours ago, Charlie Hatton said:

This is my first IKGB rodeo, so I'll defer to others with experience about how high, far, wide and long the numbers might or might not jump, but 10k seems plausible if enthusiasm holds. In the meantime, the numbers are fun for a data nerd to fiddle with.

I was "good" in math back in the day (kind of pressured to go into engineering, but was unable to wear the requisite pocket protector?, and I mean no disrespect). I must say that "stats" was the most boring math I was forced to study. I am, however, quite impressed with your analysis Charlie. Especially the entertaining way in which you presented your final conclusion above! Please keep up the good work. And I mean that most sincere, (oh gawd I can't help myself) "and by the way, which one's pink?"


I shall conclude with a quote my Mother used quite often:
"figures never lie, but liars figure"

I know its a cliche...

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It's funny how you can optimize the tiers you buy into differently, depending on what you believe will happen - the group buy being extended or not. I'm in on 3  different tiers, and I've picked them on the belief that an extension is coming, and we'll be well past 15 freebies at the end of September. 



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1 hour ago, Marc Cormier said:

Working the channels to drive more buy-in and a question came up: Is the Amplitube 5 Upgrade for AT4 owners only or will that upgrade AT5 SE users to full AT5?

From what I understand Amplitude crossgrades/upgrades are available to anyone who has a $99+ product in their account. You do not even have to own a previous version of Amplitude.

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We've been averaging a little over 2 days per thousand...so, unless
the pace picks up (which it very well may) we won't make it...

Believe me, I'm ROOTING that we DO...so don't misunderstand me!
(and not for me...I've got everything except SampleTron II and The Resonator
so it's all covered for me!)

Edited by cclarry
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3 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

I must say that "stats" was the most boring math I was forced to study. I am, however, quite impressed with your analysis Charlie. Especially the entertaining way in which you presented your final conclusion above!

Thanks, DA. I'm only capable of doing math when I'm supposed to be doing something else -- like actually making music from these goodies I'm turning into a museum curator of. (You should see my plugin spreadsheet. I need an intervention. Or possibly an abacus.)

Speaking of which, a nerdier but more practical way to look at the home stretch. Around 8pm GMT on the 26th (count = 7075), the "race to 10k" was announced and we had, I think, 126 hours to go. Looking at both the rate between data points ("current rate", some just an hour apart at this point) and the rate since the announcement (the "10k race rate"), here's where things stand as of noon-plus EST:


So with about 2/3 of the hours left, not on pace for 10k -- but generally increasing the pace going into the weekend, and above the rate needed for some stretches. If the final day or so gets the boost some are expecting, it's within reach -- especially if the overall rate keeps inching up in the meantime. Stay strong. Be well. Nerd out.


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That was a great 80's song, but never gave any thought to who was performing it. It was just a part of the background soundtrack of the 80's for me!

Good blast from the past! Sly Fox hit the top 10 in US and UK with that tune. One hit wonders... ?

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