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Soundcraft 22mtk not getting signal into Cakewalk

Luke Wells

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I just close Cakewalk. Lots of other software I use won’t work when Cakewalk is open. Like Movie Studio ( Vegas) but then just about everything else does work when it’s closed. No big deal. 
There’s a suspend audio engine when cakewalk is not in focus in preferences you could try 

Edited by John Vere
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  • 4 weeks later...

If possible I'd like some help on similar topic.

I've downloaded the drivers and newest cakewalk. It runs OK til I try to record something then it splutters and stops.

Have I set everything up correctly for mtk 12?

I've used cakewalk for many years but not with something as hefty as this before.

Any help appreciated!






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Thanks for the replies; of course I had read all this thread (and lots more besides!) but as i had no knowledge of Waspy and ASIOs  I didn't understand. I do now. Many thanks esp to Jeremy Oakes whose comments were esp helpful. I've manged to do a practice recording and hear it back too...

Couple more questions you may also find ridiculous so feel free to ignore:

I assume I add pan, effects etc on Cakewalk in mixing, I just use the Soundcraft for gain?

If using for live sound (something I've never done but might well do), would you go through Cakewalk (probably a very silly question)?

Thanks again



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3 hours ago, Richard Rose said:

Thanks for the replies; of course I had read all this thread (and lots more besides!) but as i had no knowledge of Waspy and ASIOs  I didn't understand. I do now. Many thanks esp to Jeremy Oakes whose comments were esp helpful. I've manged to do a practice recording and hear it back too...

Couple more questions you may also find ridiculous so feel free to ignore:

I assume I add pan, effects etc on Cakewalk in mixing, I just use the Soundcraft for gain?

If using for live sound (something I've never done but might well do), would you go through Cakewalk (probably a very silly question)?

Thanks again



1)  yes its better to add effects etc in Cakewalk at the mixing stage.

2) no, you only need to « attach » Cakewalk if you want to record the concert via USB. My band goes through the MTK (16 tracks) to get the balance correct then via its main outs into a stereo 2x500w power amp. 


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  • 4 months later...
On 1/23/2022 at 3:20 PM, Richard Rose said:

Sorry to resurrect this topic, I am starting to get the hang of this but I don't seem to be able to output to individual tracks (as explained by Jeremy Oakes - thanks!) only to stereo pairs which means two instruments are on the same slider. Any idea why this is?

Try switching this on:


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It should look like my screenshot in ASIO mode. 1955036255_Screenshot(308).png.690e6687cb57dbfe8fcaaa5b9b8c7f8b.png

This is what It looks like in WASAPI shared or WDM modes


Therefore why  I think @Jeremy Oakes  might be right. Looks like your not in ASIO mode. But still, even so you should still have mono input options unless the Soundcraft driver is not working properly. 

Checking the show Mono outputs doesn't change anything for any of my interfaces but who knows, might work. 

Edited by John Vere
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@John Vere  : the Soundcraft drivers, for me have always been rock solid. (Better, dare i say, than Focusrite ?fyi i have a 18i20 in my studio, the MTK is for live and sometimes studio work).

They were written at the beginning of W10 period and survived seamlessly the various feature upgrades to that OS.

I will post a screenshot tomorrow am (its 11.30pm here in France) as to how they should look in Cakewalk.

For me, the op is not in Asio mode.


Edited by Jeremy Oakes
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