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1982 photo of a Craig Anderton Article


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  On 12/28/2018 at 11:34 PM, InstrEd said:

I knew Craig has been writing for a long time. Didn't realize it has been that long.


Well talk about off-topic!! Coffee house, here we come...

Actually I was first published in 1966, so yeah, I've been at this awhile :). IIRC the first Guitar Player column was in 1975.

And I've been writing about Sonar/CbB for almost two decades - time flies when you're having fun.

One of the great things about writing articles on CbB is the program is so deep I never run out of topics. After all, in almost 20 years, I still haven't written about the Matter Transmuter plug-in. Noel's probably upset that I haven't covered the Dynamite Blurch Injector either...I'll get to both of them one of these days.

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Reading Craig's Electronic Projects For Musicians in 1982 and getting stoked and educated by it was, more than any other single thing, what propelled me into what is my current career, musical electronics. That book has been a similar starting point for many, many hobbyists and professionals over the decades of its existence.

I was also subscriber to Polyphony, the self-published predecessor to  Electronic Musician. Basically a 'zine for musical electronics geeks.

My career is I design and manufacture guitar effects and amplifiers. My products have been (positively!) reviewed in Guitar Player and Guitarist magazine and shown at Winter NAMM.

I pay the day-to-day bills by doing tube amp repair in Alameda, California.


I have a lot to thank Craig for and have told him so via PM.  He helped keep electronics (with audio as a focus) as a hobby alive during a time when it had become less popular and more difficult to engage in. He's one of the people who's helped inspire me to do my part to nurture hobby electronics as well by sharing information and also by putting on events for musical electronics enthusiasts, which I have done every year for the past dozen years.

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Man, that photo just screams "GEEK". Compare it to a pic of Bill Gates during the same era.

It was a time when being a nerd was just becoming cool. Being a long-haired rock musician, computer enthusiast and electronics geek, I figured I had multiple bases covered, even if I knew few others who shared those interests. People like Craig showed me that I wasn't alone, that those worlds could overlap and coexist.

I, too, was a charter subscriber to Polyphony. I kept my collection for many years but in an uncharacteristic fit of tidiness I threw them out, along with a stack of Nibble magazines and Dr. Dobbs' Journal. 


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  On 12/29/2018 at 5:38 PM, bitflipper said:

I, too, was a charter subscriber to Polyphony. I kept my collection for many years but in an uncharacteristic fit of tidiness I threw them out, along with a stack of Nibble magazines and Dr. Dobbs' Journal.


Mmm, Dr. Dobbs' Journal. Keepin' it real. My friend Mike Swaine was editor and longtime columnist for the magazine, and an ex-girlfriend of mine was (I think) a reviewer for them in the late '80's.

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  On 12/31/2018 at 9:29 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

You also haven't covered duper swapper a mythical feature that only cakewalk insiders know about :)
Be warned its like the bird cage though!


Well after that little "accident" with the Duper Swapper, I've been reluctant to talk about it. Fortunately, the dog did end up okay, and should be graduating from MIT in 2021...so it's only a year later than we expected, and the scars are pretty much healed. And I must say, not sure if the Duper Swapper is responsible, but wow, he cooks the best Steak Bearnaise ever. Truly restaurant quality.

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