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Hollywood has finally embraced my type of rugged good looks.


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I learned this nugget of truth After years of waiting for my ship to come in at the train station ?

see look here's the proof ?








Edited by kennywtelejazz
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4 hours ago, Mesh said:

Way to go Kenny, you're a trend setter!!?

Oh man Mesh ! that one gave me a good laugh ?

3 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

Is that an overfed Korgi? Not you, Kenny, you're lookin' badass.


Both you guys got me thinking. To learn the power of staying positive as my looks go to hell .

I may need to buckle down and say a few select Mantras everyday as I have my morning coffee .


rockin.gif         ?     ?



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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         Everybody I know is trying to get into the act  now that Hollywood has lowered its standards. Even my Imaginary  Pet Mocking Bird .



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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