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[BUG] Cakewalk frozen when dragging audio to Time Ruler

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I have several audio projects with a click track that I am using to synchronize the Project Tempo, for adding MIDI tracks.

In order to have consistency, I split the audio click track into small clips at the points where there is a drastic tempo change or a meter change, and I drag them one by one to the Time Ruler

Very frequently, Cakewalk is frozen after the conversion is finished, with the message "Analyzing Audio" at the progress task. I have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to terminate the Cakewalk task.

The error is not consistent. Sometimes the same operation fails, and sometimes it success.

I have recorded an example where I drag a clip to the Time Ruler and it fails. I repeat the same operation after restarting (at 00:38), and it succeeded.

Is there some workaround for this? It is very time consuming because it fails very frequently

Edited by ManuelGuerrero
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20 hours ago, David Baay said:

You might try Bounce to Clip(s) each of the split clips so you have a separate audio file for each instead of a slip-edited copy referencing the original file. It may be there is some issue with processing the slip-edited clips.

I've tried Bounce to Clip and also Apply Trimming. It is still frozen, and with a clip of just one measure

Edited by ManuelGuerrero
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I've made an experiment:

The project has 18 audio tracks. I have deleted them all except the click and the drums tracks (I can add them later). So far it has not frozen, but dragging the audio clips to the Time Ruler does nothing. It doesn't change the project tempo.

I attach a link to the Bundle File of this project (compressed to rar). I want to synchronize it from measure 29 until the end. Now I am stuck at measure 58. I drag a clip that contains measures 58-59-60 to the Time Ruler and it doesn't sync.



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1 hour ago, ManuelGuerrero said:

It is still frozen, and with a clip of just one measure

The Melodyne component used to extract the tempo info may be having trouble with that - insufficient data - and the algorithm might be stuck in a loop if that condition wasn't anticipated. Or, similarly, Cakewalk may be having trouble with the limited set of data it's getting from Melodyne.

I'll check out the bundle in a bit.

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I have not used the drag-to-timeline feature for a while - certainly not since the new tempo track feature was introduced. I'm finding that it's not working in the current release at all with any audio file - no errors or hangs, but no tempo changes are generated.

Possibly the last time you used it successfully was in an earlier release...?

Edited by David Baay
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12 hours ago, David Baay said:

I have not used the drag-to-timeline feature for a while - certainly not since the new tempo track feature was introduced. I'm finding that it's not working in the current release at all with any audio file - no errors or hangs, but no tempo changes are generated.

Possibly the last time you used it successfully was in an earlier release...?

Not in an earlier release, It is happening now, with the latest release. Sometimes it fails, sometimes it is OK, as you can see at the video that I have posted above. With the same clip, at the first attempt Cakewalk crashes, and at the second attempt it successfully generates the tempo changes. And sometimes it doesn't generate any tempo change.

Edited by ManuelGuerrero
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7 hours ago, msmcleod said:

@ManuelGuerrero - I've gone through the extract tempo process through the debugger.  Melodyne is telling Cakewalk it failed to extract any tempo information from the clips.

The clips have audio transients, though

BTW. Today the behavior is different.

I have opened the bundle file, the same  one that I posted yesterday.

On a first attempt, Cakewalk was frozen after dragging that 3 measures clip to Ruler, with the message "Analyzing Audio". I had to terminate the task with Ctrl/Alt/Del

On a second attempt, it has correctly generated the tempo!

I keep working on it, with the following measures, but it crashes too often


Edited by ManuelGuerrero
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I think my issue was due to Melodyne (Editor) having become deactivated since I last used it. I was subsequently able to get a tempo by dragging the clip, but only one average for the whole section. I then trimmed it, duplicated it a couple times, and bounced the three copies together, and got a more typical result with multiple chnages over several measures. But I still prefer Set Measure/Beat At Now for its precision, control and flexibility at the cost of a bit more time and effort.

I have been wondering why you break up the clips and process sections separately. Though I don't like the way Melodyne places tempo changes in general, I've not found that it has any particular trouble with long clips with variable tempos.

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2 hours ago, ManuelGuerrero said:

The clips have audio transients, though

BTW. Today the behavior is different.

I have opened the bundle file, the same  one that I posted yesterday.

On a first attempt, Cakewalk was frozen after dragging that 3 measures clip to Ruler, with the message "Analyzing Audio". I had to terminate the task with Ctrl/Alt/Del

On a second attempt, it has correctly generated the tempo!

I keep working on it, with the following measures, but it crashes too often


FWIW I found Melodyne was unusually slow on the very first time when analyzing the audio for your clips - Cakewalk appeared to hang, but eventually recovered.

I've definitely not seen it crash though. Can you post the crash mini-dump when it crashes?

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 Temp sync for this project finished! ?

After many Ctrl/Alt/Del, I think that it is crashing only when I drag a clip that is right after a measure change. I had to manually adjust the tempo at the measure following a measure change, then drag the next measure, and it didn't crash

BTW, the song is Genesis "Firth by Fifth". The tracks are from karaoke-version.com. It is a great version that perfectly matches the tempo of Genesis studio recording, beat by beat. I will use it as a base to record our own.

This is how the tempo looks now:

Thank you for all the helpful suggestions.

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29 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

FWIW I found Melodyne was unusually slow on the very first time when analyzing the audio for your clips - Cakewalk appeared to hang, but eventually recovered.

This is probably the iLok issue I've reported here and to Celemony (zero response).  Even if Melodyne is serial number validated, unless you have iLok installed on your machine (it can be doing nothing apart from having the service running), the initial analysis is slow (it's a fixed 11 seconds overhead from memory - obviously it's sitting waiting for a timeout from the iLok driver before trying alternative methods - poor design IMHO).

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7 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

This is probably the iLok issue I've reported here and to Celemony (zero response).  Even if Melodyne is serial number validated, unless you have iLok installed on your machine (it can be doing nothing apart from having the service running), the initial analysis is slow (it's a fixed 11 seconds overhead from memory - obviously it's sitting waiting for a timeout from the iLok driver before trying alternative methods - poor design IMHO).

Ah, that might explain it.  I was running on my laptop at the time, which doesn't have an iLok.

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