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Performance Meter


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I started a post several weeks ago about an IRQL error.  This happens from time to time and the higher the bottom number (Memory) on the Cakewalk Performance Meter goes, the closer it gets to a crash.  The error isn't always IRQL.  Sometimes it's something like "System Exception" or something like that.  I googled some of them and they are all related to memory.  But when I check my Resource Monitor it stays the same in regards to memory.  After the error resolves and they system reboots & the performance number goes down to about 8% and works its way back up.

My question this time is, what does the bottom line of the Performance meter tell us?  On my system it seems to be directly connected to how long it will be until a memory crash (BSOD) happens.  It seems to be a warning system.  Another interesting aspect is my Scarlet interface is a 6i6 which has AC power and I boot the PC up first before I switch on the Scarlet.  The error never happens before I switch on the Scarlet.  This indicates bad drivers but it also happens when I swap out the Scarlet for my old UX2 (which I've been told by Line 6 is also defective).  Focusrite has had me try different drivers to no avail.  Might I benefit from a new interface?

My system specs are all on my sig. I'm running Windows 8.1.  I will NOT upgrade to Windows 10 on this PC.  This wasn't a problem before about a year ago so I doubt a new OS will be the answer.

Wondering if anybody has any thoughts on this.


?John B


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59 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Its the amount of virtual memory in the page file compared to the max size of the page file. You can see the same numbers in task manager.
If you exceed the page file size then things will start to fail in Windows potentially.


Thank you, Noel.

? John B

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