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Bit of 90's inspired electronica here

John Ferguson

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2 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

I like the synths you have used - they sound good - mix sounds pretty good as well




Awesome, thanks Nigel. If I could get my recordings sounding anywhere near as alive and open as yours do, I'd be a very happy man! 

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3 hours ago, Wookiee said:

This mix sounds OK here though there are some parts which seem to be just a little to long dwelling on the same pattern of sound.

Thanks for the feedback dude. Very fair comment and something I definitely need to work on for future recordings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/18/2021 at 8:48 AM, Paul Bush said:

Good track although i found the intro way to long ,the suspense was killing me,  all in all I´d condense the whole song down a  tick  some really great sounds in there cheers

Thanks for your comments Paul ? Opinion on the intro seems to be firmly split between thinking it builds really well and it takes too long! Perhaps oddly, I agree with you ?  i think it's too long myself!


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I think the wait is worth it, I kept expecting a lead to come in and kick improv ***** but the flute thing was a bit of a letdown in that department to be honest. Other than that, the mix is very clean, I like the panning, and once the groove gets going it sticks with you. I love the dreamy blissed out quality this song has.



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On 7/27/2021 at 5:09 PM, PhonoBrainer said:

I think the wait is worth it, I kept expecting a lead to come in and kick improv ***** but the flute thing was a bit of a letdown in that department to be honest. Other than that, the mix is very clean, I like the panning, and once the groove gets going it sticks with you. I love the dreamy blissed out quality this song has.



Thanks for your thoughts on the track Tom, it's v much appreciated. I really debated hard with myself about the flutey sound because I'm not a huge fan of new age style world music and it kinda smells a bit too much like that for my liking ? but you know how it goes, you make these decisions and you either regret them or you don't. Thank you for taking the time to listen ??

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8 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

I like the synths you used. It built nicely . Its an optimistic sounding song. Nice one!

Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment David ?? v much appreciated. I'm stoked you liked it!

Edited by John Ferguson
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Electronica is not my genre, and I was quite hesitant about commenting.
Honesty first, I bailed early.
I was looking for a bit more "impact". Read that as wanting it to "build" more quickly.
If this is a "chill" track (is that the right word?) then probably you've nailed it!
I must admit I'm a 3 minute single old "rocker" so take it all with a grain of salt.
Production wise, no faults I can detect, and I guess that's why I chimed in.
The track is good, but it just didn't "grab" me.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/3/2021 at 1:45 PM, DeeringAmps said:

Electronica is not my genre, and I was quite hesitant about commenting.
Honesty first, I bailed early.
I was looking for a bit more "impact". Read that as wanting it to "build" more quickly.
If this is a "chill" track (is that the right word?) then probably you've nailed it!
I must admit I'm a 3 minute single old "rocker" so take it all with a grain of salt.
Production wise, no faults I can detect, and I guess that's why I chimed in.
The track is good, but it just didn't "grab" me.


Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Tom. You might find this hard to believe but as well as doing this studio project I play in an AC/DC tribute band so I definitely appreciate the place 3 minute rock songs have in this world ? Just so happens I'm really into electronica as well, plus a couple of other genres that I'd like to explore in future projects. I totally appreciate that the time it takes to build this track is not for everyone, but if you're setting out to make music for 'everyone' then hell mend you ? 

Edited by John Ferguson
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I like this, love the emerging textures and sparkle in the broken down sections. Mix sounds good and rounded. Love the creamy synth lead that comes in at around 5.00.

Snare might use a tiny bit of brightness and the early flute part could do with some added flesh - even a big reverb/delay around it. But I'm nitpicking.

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On 8/13/2021 at 9:24 PM, Dave Oliffe said:

I like this, love the emerging textures and sparkle in the broken down sections. Mix sounds good and rounded. Love the creamy synth lead that comes in at around 5.00.

Snare might use a tiny bit of brightness and the early flute part could do with some added flesh - even a big reverb/delay around it. But I'm nitpicking.

Thanks so much Dave. I certainly don't see what you're saying as nitpicking - I'm fully aware the best producers do exactly that, and they quite rightly call it 'attention to detail'. That's what this is all about isn't it - learning to be as good as you can be at it ? 

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John , Nothing but a Giant Feel Good vibe coming from this. You set it up well with the long build up in the beginning , I wouldn't have had that much patience. That was a Beautiful immersive airy mix and I loved the way you build it up the broke it back down. Fantastic synth work.   10+      Thanks .. mark           - edit -

ps. I try not to read previous comments before posting mine , and didn't here. When the build up ended , I too thought it was worth the wait.   ms

Edited by mark skinner
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