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Feature Request: Option to save MIDI Events and Articulation Map(s) with Track Template

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As an orchestral composer, I want the ability to save track MIDI events and track articulation maps with a track template so that I can insert instrument track templates that are ready to use without having to re-balance and setup articulation maps. 

Use Case:

When setting up templates, particularly orchestral templates in my case that use many VSTi instruments, one best practice is to balance the instruments. This is done by writing default CC values for CC7 (volume), CC1 (modulation), and CC11 (expression) to the beginning of the track so that the instrument is balanced relative to an audio output level. 

To manage resources when using large projects, one could save all instruments as track templates and either start a project with a template of commonly used instruments or start a project with a template that has routing only and add instruments as needed. Unfortunately because there is no option to save MIDI track events with a template, the CCs needed to balance the instrument must be documented and setup again when a track template is imported. This slows the creative process.

The same applies to Articulation Maps. If the articulation maps used on a track could also optionally be saved with a track template, if a default articulation is set at the beginning of the track it would also not have to be setup again.

This feature would be helpful so that as VSTi instruments are added to a project, the creative process is not interrupted with setup tasks.

Thank you!


Edited by Fred's Gratis Scores
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Saving a template will always remove the events.  Anything else would simply be a normal project.

However, you can achieve what you're suggesting by doing the following:

1. Create your template project as you would normally,  and add your events and articulations.
2. Save it as a regular cakewalk project (i.e. cwp file)
3. Copy the .cwp file to your project templates directory
4. Rename the file so it's extension is .cwt  instead of .cwp


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Thanks for the reply @msmcleod. Actually, you can create a Cakewalk Project template (save as .cwt) with track events and articulations, I already have and use a few of these templates. This workflow idea comes from work I'm currently doing to update my Project templates with articulations.

This feature request is related to Track templates. As I acquire more virtual instruments, I don't want to add all of them to the template - it takes up resources (even when archived) and takes a long time to load, unload, and save the project. The idea here is to have a smaller or minimal Project template that takes up less resources with instruments I commonly use, then after creating a project based on the template, quickly fill it in with balanced instruments and articulations I don't commonly use with Track templates. Having the CCs and articulations setup in the Track template will save allot of time and not interrupt the creative process.

Edited by Fred's Gratis Scores
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