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I have the Discovery Series Middle East instruments from NI Komplete so I decided to try for a middle east sounding kind of song.  I also have East West Voices of Passion that I bought a long time ago during a sale and never used it until now.

Thanks for listening or commenting.

NI Discovery Series Middle East - frame drum, kudum drum, saz string instrument
Syria voices from East West Voices of Passion
Diva - flute
Zebra - keys


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Hi Bjorn , well for what its worth here´s my take on it , I thought the intro was a bit too long ,and then those tablas came in and  were just great and it seemed to get busy from there on it ,rather than a slow introduction of the remaining instruments .vocals giving it a bit more atmosphere ..the sounds were great .. as i said just my take on it thanks for sharing  ..cheers

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Hi Bjorn,

I think overall this piece is mesmerizing but I do feel it's unfinished. I think using the same drum pattern all the way through is a great idea but it should change, just a little to keep the listener engaged with the vox, the flute is also used a little too much and I feel it could be made more interesting if you altered the melody a tad. I have most of NIs samples and there is a way of putting more 'feel' into the overall sample ( not sure if your keyboard has after touch as this could assist in this respect)  As you are aware I listen to your work, and have done with pleasure over the years and along with others on this site I always enjoy your tandem videos.

I really liked this bit of work and as you know I'm no expert advising on instrumentals so if you don't wanna revisit this you won't break my heart ?

Stay well my friend


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Paul, thanks for the comment. I had a lot of trouble with the intro bit and I'm still not sure if I like it or even if I needed it for that matter.

Jack C  thanks again

Steve, thanks I do appreciate the comments. Yeah, I knew the flute was used a bit too much and I tried to balance it out with the saz, but I just couldn't come up with a good way to do it. Maybe I should have strayed away from using mid east instruments there dunno. Anyway, thanks again.

Mark  thanks for the suggestion. Will definitely look into the flute volume - hadn't even noticed that!

John B   Thank you!

Treesha  Yeah, I wasn't even sure about the vocals being in there so I appreciate your comment.

Nigel  thanks!

Doug  thanks. I'm sort of jack of all trades master of none.  Yeah, the Syria voices has that nice mid east mystery to them.  

Hidden Symmetry   Thanks!

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