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2021.06 Feedback

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Yet, another complaint from me with the 058 build (and I've doing this a lot with this build.) I believe it's the 4th time cakewalk just cuts out a Vsti. This is not the typical cutout during playback where it resumes after a quick double TAP on stop and play with the spacebar. You have to re-insert the Instrument and shift the midi file on the newly created insert for it to play again. 

This workaround isn't a big deal, but after a few times - frustration starts to kick in. 

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On 8/17/2021 at 12:09 PM, Ivan Samshit said:

How to bypass ProChannel modules when freezing audio track? Now they are applied regardless of the PC's on/off state. My memory is that in the previous version it was possible to disable them. Any help is much apreciated.

Right click on the freeze icon in track view, adjust the freeze options dialogue to your taste, then freeze. Works for me every time if I don't want track FX bin or PC FX to be applied. 

Or use a temporary toggle on the master bypass FX.

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The studio Instruments Suite: Are they strictly 32bit? And why do they appear in the Audio FX category? 

I've downloaded them over a week ago when I did my entire system over. Didn't bother to install them until now, cause I needed the String Plugin. Going crazy looking for them, just to discover their in  the FX category. 

Is this correct? 

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20 minutes ago, chimkin2 said:

Hello .  I have just noticed that the Process-Audio-Reverse function is not available on clips that have been  "  s-t-r-e -t-c-h- e-d " ?

Is this by design or a design flaw ☺️..You can reverse then stretch but not the other way around !  

You need to "commit" the stretch by bouncing to clip(s) before you can use reverse.

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hi Gang !! I'm having a weird update problem.. Cakewalk is notifying me there is an update..my present working version is :

21.06 (build 057. 64bit)

when I click the download button, it is downloading :


So, i try to update,,,and get this message,


followed by this message:


and finally end up with this message:


and I there is no way to unstall Cakewalk... So I have to download, and reinstall it ... only to end up in the same cycle...

Thank's , Toobs





Edited by Smokey Toobs Sr
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On 9 juillet 2021 at 11:03 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

Hi @p-w-m the issue is this:

12175 WinHTTPSendRequest A security error occurred. This means your Windows operating system has not been configured for TLS 1.2. ... To configure your Windows operating system's WinHTTP stack for TLS 1.2, run Windows Update and make sure all updates have been installed.

Are you running Windows 7? This is a known issue where some systems don't have the latest TLS libraries installed. If you are running Windows 7 please be advised that it isn't a supported configuration for reasons like this.

See this thread for a solution.




Interesting to that the only win7 hickup I had to deal with are related to the upgrade new pholosophy that relies on something that comes wth edge (i've installed it, updated the sw....case closed).

and now TLS. I ran easyfix as you suggested and completedthe upgrade. Case close.

obviously thereare still many poeple running on W7 and I will venture the majority of them are, like, the ones who have paid their way up to splat.

New functionnalities not working I can live with that. My last 2 upgrade failures were annoying because I didn't know I needed to do something extra.

I have a suggestion That is easy and would be really nice 

T futur upgrades on a basic W7 system and let us know what we need to pay attention.

Edge and the TLS easyfix were simple to do once I found  the threads that gave me the answer.

Give it some thought. For I'm sticking to W7 (it's mainly used offline) as long as the hardware last and obviously I'm not the only one.

Keep on the good work.






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So...I'm kinda heated right now, not gonna lie.

I created a new project.  Got all my files imported, did about an hour and a half of work with some balancing and panning and editing and some light EQ and compression going on on the drums and bass...things are going good.

I go to create a send and forget that all my tracks are selected, so it does it on every single track.  Lol, whoops.  So I'm going through and deleting sends...I get about halfway through and all of a sudden the second I delete another send, the entire project crashes to desktop without warning.  No hang or freeze, no errors or warnings,  saves literally none of the work done that entire time (even though I have auto-save enabled), no dump file, nothing.  It straight up closes out, and it's like the project never even existed and nothing was ever done.

I didn't really have a whole lot going on yet plugin-wise, so CPU load, RAM, etc. were all fine and I only had like 4 different plugins (maybe ten instances total) even inserted in the project...and those few plugins I've been using just fine in other projects and aren't very resource intensive (VBC-Grey, Sonitus Compressor, Infinity EQ, and a Slate FG-X on my master).  I have HUGE, intensive projects I've been working on on this machine (that involve these same plugins as well) and have had no issues, fwiw.

I know that's not a lot to go on, but I literally don't have anything to go on.  Again, there was no hang/freeze, no warnings or errors, and no dump file was created.  I will say it's eerily similar to a bug we had a couple of years ago where the same thing would happen occasionally when inserting a send (you would literally insert a send and the project would automatically crash out about 75% of the time, and you would lose all work done in the session, even if it had been auto-saving).  Now apparently it does it rarely when deleting a send.  It's bizarre.

Anyway, it's late and I'm exhausted and angry and after literally just wasting two hours of my life and losing a bunch of work I'm gonna go to bed.  I'll check back here in the morning, lol.

Edited by AxlBrutality
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@Smokey Toobs It looks like you must update a dependency. Please install this Microsoft redistributable file: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe

After install, reboot and attempt to run the updater again. If the updater continues to fail, you can try downloading and running the full installer here.

Please report back to let us know how you fared!


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Could you please also add this feature to "automation recording" and "convert MIDI CC to envelopes"? Now the envelopes are always automatically smoothed a lot, and the smoothing cannot be turned off.


I've mentioned the issues here:

Thank you!


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On 8/21/2021 at 2:03 AM, AxlBrutality said:

So...I'm kinda heated right now, not gonna lie.

I created a new project.  Got all my files imported, did about an hour and a half of work with some balancing and panning and editing and some light EQ and compression going on on the drums and bass...things are going good.

I go to create a send and forget that all my tracks are selected, so it does it on every single track.  Lol, whoops.  So I'm going through and deleting sends...I get about halfway through and all of a sudden the second I delete another send, the entire project crashes to desktop without warning.  No hang or freeze, no errors or warnings,  saves literally none of the work done that entire time (even though I have auto-save enabled), no dump file, nothing.  It straight up closes out, and it's like the project never even existed and nothing was ever done.

I didn't really have a whole lot going on yet plugin-wise, so CPU load, RAM, etc. were all fine and I only had like 4 different plugins (maybe ten instances total) even inserted in the project...and those few plugins I've been using just fine in other projects and aren't very resource intensive (VBC-Grey, Sonitus Compressor, Infinity EQ, and a Slate FG-X on my master).  I have HUGE, intensive projects I've been working on on this machine (that involve these same plugins as well) and have had no issues, fwiw.

I know that's not a lot to go on, but I literally don't have anything to go on.  Again, there was no hang/freeze, no warnings or errors, and no dump file was created.  I will say it's eerily similar to a bug we had a couple of years ago where the same thing would happen occasionally when inserting a send (you would literally insert a send and the project would automatically crash out about 75% of the time, and you would lose all work done in the session, even if it had been auto-saving).  Now apparently it does it rarely when deleting a send.  It's bizarre.

Anyway, it's late and I'm exhausted and angry and after literally just wasting two hours of my life and losing a bunch of work I'm gonna go to bed.  I'll check back here in the morning, lol.

Usually crashes where the app just disappears as described are plugin-related. These types of crashes are why we implemented "ExceptionHandlingSeverity" as an option you can enable in the Initialization File section of the Preferences. Default value is 1, you can increase this to 7 if you're experiencing a crash, and it should then be able to get a dump file if it crashes again. At that point we can take a look at the dump file and if there's anything actionable on our end. In the meantime, normal saving of the project should work fine even if it subsequently crashes (the project just might not appear in the recent project list as that is populated on normal project close). 

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Usually crashes where the app just disappears as described are plugin-related. These types of crashes are why we implemented "ExceptionHandlingSeverity" as an option you can enable in the Initialization File section of the Preferences. Default value is 1, you can increase this to 7 if you're experiencing a crash, and it should then be able to get a dump file if it crashes again. At that point we can take a look at the dump file and if there's anything actionable on our end. In the meantime, normal saving of the project should work fine even if it subsequently crashes (the project just might not appear in the recent project list as that is populated on normal project close). 

I love the work you've done on the exception handling side! ?

I'm just thinking out loud here - is there any way plugins could be hosted "separately" or in sandboxes, to prevent them from crashing the entire main application? Or would that be too much overhead or too complicated to implement to be feasible? ?

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2 hours ago, GreenLight said:

I love the work you've done on the exception handling side! ?

I'm just thinking out loud here - is there any way plugins could be hosted "separately" or in sandboxes, to prevent them from crashing the entire main application? Or would that be too much overhead or too complicated to implement to be feasible? ?

FWIW, you can kind of do this already if you've got JBridge installed by checking "Load with JBridge Wrapper" within the plugin's options.

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