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Pieces.... (of free stuff)


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Just wanted to explore some of the free stuff I have accumulated. I really like the sounds in 8dio post apocalyptic guitar and tried out some vital sounds and this is where I went.  A nice dpro wood flute addictive drums and using the sonible entropyEQ which is really fun. Its been challenging to work in the toxic soup of wildfire smoke here in AZ at the moment can’t wait for rainy season to begin and help keep these wildfires down some. Had a housefire in my neighborhood last weekend and thankfully it didn’t get to the ground. Thanks for listening and any feedback. Treesha

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Treesha , I absolutely Loved the intro and start of the song. Very nice .  I play a "real touchy" Native American flute and the only way I could even come close to reproducing the sound , is with Constant use of the pitch wheel and a real "airy" reverb like the free Raum reverb. There are also a lot of notes that can't be played  , but only implied . Great job , I very much enjoyed it ..  mark

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Thanks Mark! I had a different intro then thought to make it more interesting and put the as yet unused entropy eq on the 8dio sound moving the fader from not tonal to tonal as I recorded the output. And sliced up the results. I didn’t associate dpro wood flute with Native  American flute duh i have one also that i bought camping up in Navajo country  but have only 1 song I wrote with it and can’t play it with any skill! I think when i can work again i will check out that reverb and redo the flute with more reverb. Have you posted any songs  with your flute ? Wind supposed to shift today the smoke indoors has been too strong to work in my studio area! Thanks again for the encouraging feedback and suggestions. 

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Hi Treesha

Really enjoyed this, especially as Mark said, the intro.

Sympathize re the smoke - we get that here sometimes in the Summer - wild fires that is.

But as it's mid winter here in Cape Town at the moment, its FREEZING cold and for the next week we have constant rain!!!!!!

Wish I could send some up to you to help out?

Keep well



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Thanks Nigel glad you enjoyed it! Maybe you are sending some rain over here ! In the forecast for all week, not the freezing part though. Hope it really does rain and clean up the air and help all the things dying from the lengthy severe drought. Stay warm over there ! Treesha

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Thanks Starship Krupa appreciate the feedback and suggestions. The most common feedback i have gotten on the songs i have posted is that more reverb would be nice so i have to pay more attention to it. I will check out orilriver, the raum mentioned is no longer free. I got nimbus and r4 a while ago along with something but any time i tried them on something they seemed overpowering to me! I maybe should spend some time on learning those they seem well liked and rich. I do like breverb. Thanks again ! 

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I wish you a real monsoon season!

Your peace is pleasant and never gets dull. For how up front the drums are, especially the hi hat/cymbal, you might get a little more ambience on them as well, and maybe more programming variety as well? You might experiment with the volume on the hi hat, it might be worth a try with some light reverb and dropped down a little. Just my .02




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Thanks Tom, we had some rain but now 3 fires were started in the area from lightning strikes! Hopefully they will remain small and end. But rain is needed badly too. Thanks for the feedback too, i will definitely experiment with some reverb and do another mix soon. Drums don’t come naturally to me at all.  I am kinda overly engaged right now with messing around with Tetrality. Glad you found it pleasant! Thanks for listening and your suggestions. 

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On 6/29/2021 at 3:26 PM, treesha said:

Thanks Starship Krupa appreciate the feedback and suggestions. The most common feedback i have gotten on the songs i have posted is that more reverb would be nice so i have to pay more attention to it. I will check out orilriver, the raum mentioned is no longer free. I got nimbus and r4 a while ago along with something but any time i tried them on something they seemed overpowering to me! I maybe should spend some time on learning those they seem well liked and rich. I do like breverb. Thanks again ! 

Ooh, reverb envy. My favorite 'verb plug-in is PhoenixVerb Stereo, and I also like R2. Since Nimbus and R4 are supposed to be the deluxe versions, I know you can get good sounds with them.

If Nimbus has "Sml Neutral Hall," that's the PhoenixVerb preset I use for 90% of my mixes. Use it on a send bus, and of course, use it sparingly. One of the reverb suggestions is that if you can hear the reverb as an effect, you're using too much (that is, unless you're using it as an effect, like for rockabilly). If you mute and unmute your reverb bus, you should most definitely be able to tell, but if during the song it sounds anything other than "richer and fuller and more natural," it may be too heavy. I usually start by turning the send up until I can just hear it then backing off. One thing about Cakewalk-with-Exponential is that the sends are way too hot when you first insert them, so crank backward on that knob right away.

Also, if you're using virtual instruments that have their own internal reverb, turn that off and use your reverb send instead. It'll help everything sound like it's in the same space.

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Ha reverb envy.... I see Plugin B has PhoenixVerb free this month, I will likely buy something and wind up with it and then I can try that preset you like. Thanks so much for all the detailed information and while I was in a rockabilly band once that's not my thing at all ha (they kicked me out cause I didn't play standup and that was fine with me). Anyways, your explanation is very clear and will be a big help to me  when I start messing around with reverb. If the Exponentials are way hot as you say, no wonder I was thinking they were overpowering ! And yes I mainly use virtual instruments these days, and yes many have reverb so thanks for pointing that out too. Always more to learn, and reverb being so basic I will get to it.  Thanks again

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Great use of freebees.  The rhythm is catchy and you provide some great ear candy with the rest.

I have some freebies from years ago that I kept and backed up.  My favorite has always been the Mini DIZI flute by Chinesewinds.  I use it quite a bit in my tunes.  I got it from KVR Audio some years back but I don't if I'd trust it now.  Too many viruses and malware for me. 


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Thanks Johnbee58 for the encouragement! So far I haven't had any problems with viruses or malware, but yeah always a concern when trying free stuff. Mostly I hear about them on this site, and trust if there are issues folks will post that.  Thanks for listening and your comments ! 

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