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More Like Me


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More Like Me

The solution to relationship  problems is this: You should be more like me.

I posted this on the old forum some time ago. Thought I'd try for a better vocal track and this is about as good as it gets.
Thanks for listening/commenting.

Everything about you is so organized   
Everything around you is alphabetized
You know I love you, I love you dearly
But why can't you be more like me?  

I'm always running a little bit late   
My slacker attitude I celebrate
The clutter competition - I win the prize   
Living with me you gotta compromise

You can hear a faucet drip a mile away
You can see a spider web behind the stairway
Disasters and catastrophies are what you're watching for
I don't ever notice the cat puke on the floor

You're the prettiest woman I know you know
I'm such a lucky man Yes this I know
But life would be perfect now don't you see
If only you could be more like me

When I get home just want to unwind
You want to know  what's really on my mind    
To read between the lines is never my intent
Whatever I said is just what I meant  

Bills come around they can wait a bit
Don't worry so much, you can let 'em sit    
The house could use some work I admit
Meanwhile how about we fool around a bit?

Don't adjust the thermostat
Temperature is fine just  where it's at    
Do we really need to drive to the mall
The day is going great doing nothing at all

You're the prettiest woman I know you know
I'm such a lucky man Yes this I know
But life would be perfect now don't you see
If only you could be more like me


Edited by bjornpdx
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Lovely lyrical craft there Bjorn - sooo many truths in there. ? I thought the vocal delivery sat well with the lyric, although I detected a tiny drop of mouth noise - was the mic close? I've found RX8 to be a good post fix for this, as I'm one of the worst offenders when I try to sing.

Mrs AndyB01 woke me at 4:30am the other day to tell me she could hear the low battery indicator bleeping on the smoke alarm. Oddly enough, she didn't seem to appreciate my suggestion that she could have just changed the battery without waking me. ?

Great job, thanks for sharing.




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On 6/25/2021 at 1:13 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

I really enjoyed your lyrics on this one Bjorn - that was quite funny - nicely done. You kind of make me think of Leonard Cohen - you have his poetic talent.

Thanks Doug.  I also have Leonard Cohen's singing talent. ?

On 6/26/2021 at 7:01 AM, Bajan Blue said:


Great lyrics and nicely sung


Thanks Nigel. Didn't think I'd ever hear anyone say "nicely sung"  I do appreciate that.

Wookie,  Thanks.  Rhythm guitar is  RealGuitar using one of its patterns.  Lead guitar is Indiginus Renegade.

Lynn, Thanks again for your kind words.

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