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Cakewalk Google Login not working (error 400)

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I'm new to Bandlab and Cakewalk. I installed Cakewalk and I want to login with Google but everytime I want to login with my Google Account. I got redirected to the specific Google Account Page and I use Chrome. I got everytime "Error 400 (Bad Request)" and I don't know why is it happen.

Can someone help me to fix this problem?

PS: Sry for bad english, I'm German.

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if you signed up for BandLab using your Google account, then that would be the way you could access the signin for CbB. if you're trying to sign in with Google but you use another email address then signing up for BandLab, that may be the reason for the re-direct. as to the 400 error - maybe you need to clear your browser cache?

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  • 3 weeks later...


The same behavior happens to me, on two different computers, which run the same version of Windows 10 (21H1 Build 19043.152).
The OS is in english and 

I'll try to add detail if it can help.

- In Cakewalk,  I click on "Browse Bandlab Projects"
- The Auth webview opens, I click on the Google icon
- I input my login and password, then click next
- The Webview displays the "2 step verification" page, I validate the notification on my phone
- The default browser of my OS is redirected to the error 400 page "https://accounts.google.com/signin/oauth/consent?authuser=0&part="
- The Cakewalk webview is still displaying the "2 step verification" page

It has been tested using Edge, Firefox and Chrome as my OS default browser

During the tests, I have captured the network traffic, most of it is done by the embedded cakewalk webview (msedgewebview2), the last two are done in the default browser


PROCESS    Result    Protocol    Host    URL        
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/cbp?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&MODE=init&zx=ao7i5z4n7rf1&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/cbp?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&TYPE=xmlhttp&zx=thnx9dk4rnvo&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/bind?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&RID=31182&CVER=5&zx=2koqqc38cuwz&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/bind?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&RID=rpc&SID=XXX&AID=0&TYPE=xmlhttp&zx=uqs0g07lqyhf&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/bind?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&RID=rpc&SID=XXX&AID=1&TYPE=xmlhttp&zx=cvnw33d2fyqr&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/bind?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&SID=XXX&RID=XXX&AID=1&zx=d3tn365sisp7&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        17.client-channel.google.com    /client-channel/appchannel/bind?app_auth=XXXXX&ctype=device-prompt&gsessionid=XXXX&VER=8&RID=rpc&SID=XXX&AID=3&TYPE=xmlhttp&zx=qhede9hum1n1&t=1    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        accounts.google.com    /_/signin/challenge?hl=fr&TL=XXX&_reqid=231169&rt=j    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        accounts.google.com    /_/signin/challenge?hl=fr&TL=XXX&_reqid=331169&rt=j    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        accounts.google.com    /_/signin/challenge?hl=fr&TL=XXX&_reqid=431169&rt=j    
WEBVIEW 302        HTTPS        accounts.google.com    /CheckCookie?hl=fr&client_id=XXX.apps.googleusercontent.com&chtml=LoginDoneHtml&service=lso&continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2Fsignin%2Foauth%2Fconsent%3Fauthuser%3Dunknown%26part%3XXX&gidl=EgIIAA    
WEBVIEW 200        HTTPS        accounts.google.fr    /accounts/SetSID?ssdc=1&sidt=XXXcontinue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2Fsignin%2Foauth%2Fconsent%3Fauthuser%3D0%26part%3XXX&tcc=1    
BROWSER 302        HTTPS        accounts.google.fr    /accounts/SetSID?ssdc=1&sidt=XXXcontinue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2Fsignin%2Foauth%2Fconsent%3Fauthuser%3D0%26part%3XXX&tcc=1    
BROWSER 400        HTTPS        accounts.google.com    /signin/oauth/consent?authuser=0&part=XXX&as=XXX&rapt=XXX    


I hope it can help.



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Thank you for your answers

  On 6/27/2021 at 11:19 AM, pwalpwal said:

looks like the 400 comes from google rather than bandlab?


Indeed, so it could be a problem on google's side or the OAuth callback is not handled properly by the cakewalk auth in that specific case.

  On 6/27/2021 at 12:32 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

@Amfysy. Are you available to do some troubleshooting early this week to try and isolate the issue? PM me your contact info and we'll arrange a session.


I will be pretty busy during the next two weeks, but can do some tests or provide specific logs if you can tell me what you need and how to obtain them.

I'll PM you my info for the next steps.


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@Yvan Morice @CuteKitsuneForever The sign-in process should not open Chrome (or whatever your default browser is) unless you click a link not related to sign-in, or perhaps if an error has occurred, such as your case. Can you confirm that an external browser is being opened? Please post screenshots or ideally a video, exemplifying the issue. My hunch is this is an external issue, not related to anything in CbB. Feel free to PM me. 

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Hi Jesse

I confirm an external browser is always opened after I validate the 2 way auth process on my phone.

I join a video where you can see all involved elements, cakewalk, my phone and an instance of my default browser (The 400 page that is opened at the beginning is from a previous authentication attempt)

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  On 6/29/2021 at 11:58 AM, Jesse Jost said:

@Yvan Morice  Please see PM with custom build instructions.


Hi Jesse, 

I have tested your build and have been able to login at the first attempt. As you should guess, the authentication token is usable in the 2021.06(041).

Thank you for your help and congratulations to the team for the reactivity, support as its best :) .

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, having problems logging, seems similar to the rest here. Thanks!


Couldn't sign you in

This browser or app may not be secure.

Try using a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in.


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  On 8/5/2021 at 11:53 AM, Jerico Sicat said:

Hi, having problems logging, seems similar to the rest here. Thanks!


Couldn't sign you in

This browser or app may not be secure.

Try using a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in.



Hi @Jerico Sicat we're aware of this. It is a new problem caused by Google who are now blocking google authorization from our webview. It caught us by surprise because they changed it before schedule.
We are working on a different mechanism to bypass this issue and will release a new update with the fix soon.
If you sign in using your bandlab credentials instead of using google auth it should work however.

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