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With Being


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A kind of self-affirmation song about being vs doing, contentment vs dissatisfaction, accepting vs chasing, unexpected outcomes. My third attempt with Ample guitar strat, its fun and a lot to learn yet ! Had some vocal issues from allergies still, and did the best I could. Maybe someday redo them. This one is an older song, but took a long time to do. The pic is of a native american pot I have made of micaceous clay (has glitter like mica in it) from the Taos New Mexico area. Thanks for listening and any feedback, Treesha

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Treesha , I Loved the backing tracks. The Perfect combination of voices gave it a nice light and a little quirky feel that I thought was Fantastic!  I think the reggae guitar could be brought up a good bit and the bass thinned out to brighten it up a little.   Great song ..  mark

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Thanks Mark appreciate the feedback. It is an organ sound making the reggae type hits and yes i notice it gets a bit too low in places. The bass is my old dark gibson ebo that i used playing bass in a reggae band and i did add a second bass track with a higher pitched vst bass but yeah its dark. I kinda like that it sounds a bit ominous and dread for this song but its not right for most songs

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Treesha, this is so good.  Quite different.  Not only are your lyrics uplifting, but the instrumentation is pleasantly unusual. I have to ask you, what is that horn thing you got going on there?  Sounds almost like a saxophone, but not quite.  I love it!  And the beat is infectious!  I'm awestruck.

? John B

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What is not to like about this song?  Love the bass, the sax (?), lyrics (relatable), and of coarse the "languid" vocals.  It has that easy beat of the islands which really carries it along.  Very nice work indeed!

Edited by freddy j
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Thanks John B! I am encouraged! You are right, almost, it is 2 saxophones.  I used Kontakt, the Kontakt Factory Library, 2 horns from there Tenor Sax and Alto sax, panned a bit l and r,  one with the Space style dial in the pro channel, the other with depth style dial. I had a trumpet with them for a while but took it out liking the saxes alone better.  The beat is AD 2, the organ from Kontakt vintage, and the guitar ample strat. 

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Thanks freddy j, I played reggae bass for some years with Jamaicans and it is in my soul for sure.  I wouldn't call any of my songs reggae (unless I have to pick a genre and nothing else fits) because I am too familiar with the real stuff, but do think of them as reggae influenced. I'm encouraged to know that you loved it ! thank you

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Treesha . . . nicely done, this is a new different sounding thing on the CakeSongs forum for me . . . I enjoyed it a lot !  You have the mixing very clear, makes it easy to listen to . . . but beyond that, it's got something very special about it, very worldly, a lot of different styles intermixed.

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