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Starship Krupa

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I've been doing some pretty deep diving into images and backgrounds for the next release of my themes and I've run into a couple of images that I can't find either in Theme Editor or TYLIP. I'm getting my themes to the point where there are few elements that have been left to default due to not wanting to go to the trouble. Almost everything that's on the screens is stuff that I've either changed or examined. Unfortunately, it looks like there are a few pretty prominent fixed elements.

As follows, in Track View and Inspectors/Arpeggiator:


The background images for Vel, Swing, Dur, Pitch, Flam, Volume, Pan and Vel + (as well as Send Level, Send Pan and Key + but not Time + for who knows what reason) seem like they are going to have to stay chocolate brown. This is a drag if you're trying to use a nice dark black for high legibility. The only similarity I can see is that these are the only track controls where the user clicks and drags horizontally to change the values. The other (themeable) items are buttons or a secondary menu pops out.

It is an undertaking to make such extensive changes, juggling color choices with the limited options. Yeah, I'd love to color more things royal purple in the EVA 01 themes, but it's tough to keep a color just where you want it. I found I needed to let the green and orange dominate for legibility, same with the dark black.

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Those could be color swatches under Inspectors if available.

There are many roadblocks to theming CbB because several aspects of the "Skylight Interface" remain unchangeable, and probably will for a long time. ?

Some of those aspects can be extracted from the TTSImage file, but changing them would affect all themes. Not desirable unless you only use one theme.


Edited by sjoens
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In Sonar X1, the Inspector sliders were originally editable graphic knobs. Someone changed them, probably to save vertical space, leaving Mix control as it was. Same with Key & Time, with only Time remaining "graphical". Baffling.

I'm always anxious to see what'll be changed next. 

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