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Children Hiding From The Storm

freddy j

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Tomorrow begins the start of the 2021 hurricane season.  Much to my chagrin the number 6 storm of the season will be called Fred.  That can't be good!!!  All of this prompted me to drag up a song that I posted on the Forum a very long time ago.  I listened and it was pretty rough.  Therefore, I tried to fix it up a bit and hopefully it now sounds a bit better than it did.  I am posting it now in hopes that it might deflect any bad vibes and keep those of us along the Gulf Coast safe. 

I would appreciate it if you might give it a listen and would also appreciate any comments, crit's, suggestions, etc. that you may have.


Children Hiding From The Storm


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Very nice 60's vibe for me! Nice vocals, I wonder if in the chorus you could sustain your "storm" into "storrrrrrrrrrrrm" - just a thought.

In the intro your guitar delay created a neat effect, but you might check the timing of the echoes, do they match your tempo? I'm not sure, worth a check maybe.

Really trippy mix of everything when it gets into the instrumental at the outtro, I even caught echoing string noise! I dig it!




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Freddy, I love the chorus. Beautiful.
Some of the delay effects seem off but I thought they worked anyway.
You should get together with Jimmy Buffet and do a duet.
I can only imagine what it's like tracking hurricanes when they're in your  own  neighborhood!

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I liked this one Freddy - especially your vocal - I liked the fx you used on it.  This one had a bit of a country vibe to it - to my ears anyway. The subject matter is quite interesting as well - those storms you guys deal with year after year is something else - nice job on the lyrics.

The mix sounded fine through my headphones - well done.

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Hi Freddy - well it looks like I will miss the Hurricane season this year as I am still stuck in Cape Town  - looks like I wont be on my way home until the season is nearly finished

But the track brought back memories  -and a very good track, like it  a lot




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This is different than your usual style, Fred.  Sounds more Pop than Blues but you pull it off nicely.  Lyrics are so true.  We never got hurricanes up where I am until 2012 with Sandy.  Now I dread it as much as anybody else does.  You never know where they're gonna go.

?John B

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Hi Tom.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.  I appreciate your suggestions and have taken notes that I can use when I re-address this song.  You probably are correct about the timing of the echos.  In some of the background passages (particularly toward the ending) I was trying to create some subtle chaotic sounds.  When hurricane Charley passed just a few miles north of where I live, I remember briefly looking out the windows (safe up to 150 mph winds) and observing the rain which was almost horizontal, the trees were blowing in almost every direction and when I looked out of the back window the pool had little waves, and the wee, little lake behind us was a chaotic scene of waves crashing into each other.  I tried to put just a tiny bit of that in the background of the song.  Thanks again!

Hey Jack C.  Thanks for listening and for your suggestions.  Notes taken  -- to be used when I can get back to the song to make corrections.  Thanks again!

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks for the kind comments.  My explanation to Tom above might explain what I was trying to subtly do with the delay (perhaps a futile effort).  I doubt that Jimmy Buffet would have time for me.  Maybe I'll have my people call his people ??  I have never been in the eye of a hurricane and don't want to be.  However, I have been close to some that have passed by (fortunately most on the east side of the storm) and even though the winds were not Category 4  the  low Category 3 and Category 2  have winds that are quite enough for me.  Thanks for listening.

Hey Paul.  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind words.  I have never been in a point on direct hit but have been in a few uncomfortably close ones.  And yes I have finally gone an bought a generator for those days without electricity.  Thanks again!

Hi Douglas.  Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.  I appreciate the encouragement.  At least with hurricanes, you have a few days notice to decide to get out of town or stay and take a chance of a direct hit.

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Very cool.  One thing I hear regarding this version, and it may be totally against what you try for, but I hear it in my head with no vocal effects.  I hear it raw, like maybe Johnny Cash or Kris Kristofferson....along with overwhelming effects free acoustic.  I think this song is good enough to stand on its own without the effects.  I like it, don't get me wrong...I just hear it differently.


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Hi Nigel.  Thanks very much for the kind words.  It might be a bad season this year and I am not looking forward to it.  However, as the song says "... this is the land that we love".  Even though Barbados is in the same situation as the Gulf coast states --- I imagine that spending time there would be would be more than the risk of a hurricane or two.

Hey tom.  I always appreciate that you listen and comment.  Thanks!!  I would definitely vote for a hurricane with a few days warning.  We have already started loading up on potable water and non perishable food items.  I am glad that you enjoyed "Bad Rumour".  I posted that a very long time ago when I knew absolutely nothing about mixing.  All though I am still handicapped in that regard, one of these days I am going to have to search for the working files and dress it up a bit.  Thanks again!

Hey Jesse.  Thanks pal.  Words of wisdom.  BTW, luv what you did, on the song Gun, with the old tracks that I sent you.

Hi John B.  It looks like hurricanes might be having more impact along the east coast of North America that usual.  Given the reality of global climate change I guess unusual weather is becoming the norm.  The style of this song is definitely out of my usual bluesabilly genre.  However, every once in a while one just has to try a different path --- if for nothing else but just for a bit of variety.  Thanks for listening and the kind words.

Hi Steve.  What you say is very interesting.  It was not my intent in developing this song.  However, I hear what you are saying and I believe that there is merit in it.  The right performer and scaled down arrangement might just work.  The lyrics are somewhat introspective and the scaled down version might add to that feel.  Thanks very much for the input!

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