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FX/Reverb cuts out completely at 2:42 ish in song

Bruce Searl



1. Missing FX

I'm mixing a choir. Everything going great and sounds great so far but for some reason, my FX plugin BREVERB stops working at about 2:42 seconds into the song. I don't know exactly when because the meter on the reverb slowly decays with it's signal and I can find no automation points around there. I've deleted the reverb and added it fresh, I've tried using a different verb plugin..... it seems like some sort of automation but I can't find what or where it's being controlled from.  is there a place that lists all automation events where I could find and delete the level change?

Note: If I click the Bypass R! read automation button, the reverb still stops working. So it does not appear to be a automation point being read that turn it off, down or muted.

Any ideas on how to find and fix the disappearing reverb issue?

2. Bonus question!

Whenever I create an FX region (like Melodyne or Vocalign Ultra) FX stop working on playback.
Whenever I bounce an FX region to clips (after using Melodyne... ) FX stop working on playback.
If I click the little Bypass FX  button under the Mute/Solo/Record master toggles, then wait... then click bypass back off... all FX work again (until about 2:36sec, at which point my first issue happens ? ) I found the "work around" on a forum, but this is a known issue that has been around for over a year. No fix?

I've never had either of these issues before and I'm pretty stumped.

Current version and patch's on OS and Application.

Thanks much in advance.


Edited by Bruce Searl
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Hi Colin, 

No trial versions of any plugins. I finally resorted to deleting the FX buss and creating a new one called Reverb.

But the 2nd problem still remains (reverb stops working after rending Melodyne Editor or Vocalign Ultra or track to clip) and most of the time I can't get the Reverb to come back (even with a "FX Bypass" cycle) without exiting and restarting cakewalk. 


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