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External Command to Set Timeline Position

Matthew Carr


An Unusual request perhaps - does anyone know of a way to send a command from an external device to CBB to move the timeline to a particular position? 

Similar to a Song Position Pointer MIDI message I guess, but I'm not having any luck in getting CBB to respond to those..



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On 6/5/2022 at 8:05 AM, Matthew Carr said:

My use case is for live performance

Even further outside the box. I've been putting the Matrix through its paces this evening.

Bounce each of your songs into clips (or multiple clips as need be), put them in Matrix columns, then use MIDI-Ox to have Gig Performer trigger the columns with MIDI note messages.

That way you don't have to be concerned with exactly what time each song starts, you trigger it when you like. You could even get a Novation Launchpad like the kids use for live performance these days. ?

The Matrix is set up so that cells that share a column can all be triggered simultaneously with a single note on command.

Cells that share a row cannot play simultaneously. This acts as insurance that you won't accidentally trigger things that you don't want playing at the same time. If you never want to hear certain things at the same time (which in your case would be the entire songs), stick 'em in the same row. Cells can be set to loop until further notice or play through once and stop.

It occurs to me that you might need to switch to a different tempo for each song. I think Cakewalk can handle being the follower in a leader-follower sync with other MIDI software. That would include the clock. Set it to follow Gig Performer's clock.

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On 6/14/2022 at 7:51 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Bounce each of your songs into clips (or multiple clips as need be), put them in Matrix columns, then use MIDI-Ox to have Gig Performer trigger the columns with MIDI note messages.

Good outside the box thinking! Although in my case I prefer to use the timeline and have arranger sections for each song (just to easily see where they are on the timeline) as there are other tracks with midi events happening for external gear as the track plays - plus I can also display midi data in the staff view while the song plays, giving me a  leadsheet that follows the click track ?

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