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Blood Bath

Jesse Screed

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  On 5/19/2021 at 12:34 PM, jack c. said:

if there's a bass bring it up or add a bass.fine recording job.jack c.


Hello Jack, there is no bass, she always wants to play guitar.

  On 5/19/2021 at 1:54 PM, Hidden Symmetry said:

 As always an interesting track..no suggestions, noticed that clipping on the kick but I assume that was by design?


Hello Symmetry, that is a FLAC file, and for some reason the kick on my FLAC tends to clip.  I didn't really hear it on my end, but have noticed it on other renders to FLAC.  The mp3 files don't seem to do that.  Any ideas why that may be?  Thanks


  On 5/20/2021 at 11:39 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Jesse

As Jack said I cant hear the Bass.

Apart from that, sounds as if you're all getting to know each other well!!





Thanks Nigel, there wasn't a bass on that.  We're just messing around, you know how it is when your bored with nothing else to do.

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  On 5/20/2021 at 12:36 PM, Jesse Screed said:

Hello Symmetry, that is a FLAC file, and for some reason the kick on my FLAC tends to clip.  I didn't really hear it on my end, but have noticed it on other renders to FLAC.  The mp3 files don't seem to do that.  Any ideas why that may be?  Thanks


Hi Jesse, I just listened to it again this morning & I'm not hearing any clipping now. Not sure why, something on my end I guess so disregard! cool track

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  On 5/20/2021 at 7:19 PM, Kevin Walsh said:

Great recording, I can hear everything and what I hear sounds quite good. The track misses a bass. :) Can you talk a bit about your recording set up?


Hello Kevin, I don't know how much you really want to know, but here goes.

For this Jam

Basement room, 11" wide, 17 " long, 7' high.

Homemade "bass traps?"   rock wool from the big box store

Sonar Platinum, I tried Bandlab, but it didn't stick, yet, maybe someday.

Focusrite Gen 2 6i6

Guitars, fender American strats, through Boss gt8, into fender twin reverb, (the one with pull switch master volume,)  Mic'ed with AT 4033 close to the cone skewed slightly off center.  Fairly low volume.  Other, Fender Mustang II, similar mic set up.

I have been using the IK British Channel on almost all tracks, easy on the compression, eq to taste gentle wide slopes, sometimes FF L1 if needed, but again real easy on it.

Drums Jamstix, huge learning curve, all drums on individual tracks.  

Air Hybrid 3 for keys (underated synth,)  FF Pro q, FF timeless 3, FF L1

Haphazard volume automation on the guitars and Keys, because it is just jam.

Nothing on the master but a little bit of reverb

exported to FLAC with no dither.  To be honest, I think the FLAC is the key, but it is only the third time I have tried it.  Definitely kills MP3, at least to my ears, and smaller than a wav so easier to load to soundclick.

I hope that wasn't to much.



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  On 5/20/2021 at 9:53 PM, Kevin Walsh said:

I didn't know a Twin Reverb could be se on fairly low volume.  Ha!


Kevin, I am deaf in my right ear, from infections and accident trauma, so I try to keep it low.  Plus I don't use headphones so the only way I can hear the drums through my monitors is to keep the amp volume low.  I do fold a paper towel up on the backside of the At 4033 to prevent some bleed.

The room is so small that if I cranked the amp it would just sound like noise, and I wouldn't be able to hear the drums.  The pull pot master volume is engaged, so that adds a little drive.  Most people try to mod this amp, but Dean Torres said don't do it, he said maybe check the caps.    It's a ball buster in weight, and will peel the chrome off a 56 Packard Caribbean bumper when it is at about 3/4 volume.

I would be surprised if the overall volume I play at is no more than 80 db c weighted.  I used to use a db meter, but I have learned where the sweet spot for me is, but  I should pull it out again just to make sure i am not getting volume creep.


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Yowza, more cool stuff from Jesse!

  On 5/18/2021 at 5:56 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

sounds psychedelic to me


There was a band Space back in the day I used to catch occasionally at the Marina Palace.
This would fit right into their set, although Martha was my favorite tune by them.

got to give this a big ?'s up, or ??'s


Martha, I know it ain't easy babe,
Playin' Monopoly all day.
Why don't you take your clothing off!

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