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Unable to modify MIDI/Step Clips in Matrix View during playback, must stop/re-launch?

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Hi all, I have a brief question about working with MIDI in the Matrix View.

I tried to do some hours research before bothering other people, but I can't find a firm answer.  Found this question from 2020 on the forums: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/19738-step-sequencer-in-matrix-view

(Also read the Matrix section in the User Guide PDF & watched several YouTube videos.)


Question: Are you not able to modify MIDI clips/Step Clips during playback in the Matrix view and hear the updates?

I seem to have to stop and then re-start playback of the clip to hear any changes made -- which I think either might be unintended, or I'm doing something wrong.

Here's  a YouTube video demoing the problem in case I'm not explaining it well (also attached it, not sure if you can play embeds directly on the forums here)



Build Info: 

Version: 2021.04 (Build 144, 64bit)

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Hi Gavin and welcome to the Cakewalk forums.

You can edit a SS clip during playback.  However, you cannot edit a MV clip on the fly.  You must stop playback to edit/update the clip.

Kind regards,


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22 hours ago, tecknot said:

Hi Gavin and welcome to the Cakewalk forums.

You can edit a SS clip during playback.  However, you cannot edit a MV clip on the fly.  You must stop playback to edit/update the clip.

Kind regards,


Thank you for a firm answer either way.

Maybe the devteam would consider a feature request added to the backlog for future updates.

I don't know what kind of technical debt has accrued in the Matrix View (it's something written originally ~10 years ago aye? So I'd imagine perhaps a lot) but I really think it'd provide a great experience and add a lot of value. If the story-points and dev estimate are on the lower side, maybe something worth considering?

Best wishes ?

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