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Stereo Track Turned Mono in CbB


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I'm wondering how this could happen.  The other day I opened a track that I made audio from a soft synth MIDI track.  The converted audio track sounded the same as the MIDI track and was converted stereo, which was as I wanted.  When I finished the mix I took notice that something didn't sound right.  I soloed the converted track ( which was from a string sample library) and found that something on the audio channel that I opened the track in made the track mono.  This was without adding any effect plugins or eqing of any kind.  All I did was add a volume automation envelope.  To correct the problem I inserted a new audio track and carefully re created the volume automation and it sounded fine.  This happened again a short time later on another track.  I know the audio track is stereo because I verified it in Audacity.  It was something on the audio channel in CbB that "monoized" it.  Any thoughts as to what might have happened?



?John B.

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6 hours ago, scook said:

Track Interleave set to mono?

Yeah, it might've been that.  That occurred to me after I posted this.  I wish I would've kept the project as it was but I corrected it with the new audio track and saved it so I can't go into the project and check because it's corrected now.  Hopefully I'll remember that possibility next time I encounter it.  Thanks.



Edited by Johnbee58
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On 12/27/2018 at 9:42 PM, Johnbee58 said:

Yeah, it might've been that.  That occurred to me after I posted this.  I wish I would've kept the project as it was but I corrected it with the new audio track and saved it so I can't go into the project and check because it's corrected now.  Hopefully I'll remember that possibility next time I encounter it.  Thanks.



I have sonar keep intervals of projects so even if I forget to save I can go back.

Preferences > File >  Advanced > Auto-save every 15 minutes. Enable versioning, keep 10.

This would have made it possible for you to go back. For files with lots of midi, this becomes a pain because the saves are slow. I disable this feature when working with large midi files so that the saves do not become intrusive. For regular mixing, I never notice it and have the backups whenever I need them. They are tiny compared to the projects as a whole.

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2 hours ago, Gswitz said:

I have sonar keep intervals of projects so even if I forget to save I can go back.

Preferences > File >  Advanced > Auto-save every 15 minutes. Enable versioning, keep 10.

This would have made it possible for you to go back. For files with lots of midi, this becomes a pain because the saves are slow. I disable this feature when working with large midi files so that the saves do not become intrusive. For regular mixing, I never notice it and have the backups whenever I need them. They are tiny compared to the projects as a whole.

Thats interesting Gswitz.  I would think just the opposite. MIDI is tiny compared to nearly any  other file size. Even in a cwp file.  I wonder if it could be something else?

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Ah but the midi is stored in the .cwp file. Audio files are stored in an Audio folder.

I believe the envelopes and other timely settings are basically midi data as well. so if you draw sign envelopes you quickly increase the size of your cwp because of all the points.

Likewise if you record the midi for your guitar 500 times as you practice a piece, you get a large file. ? Who would do that?? :P

So the auto save becomes a hassle in some cases but not most for me.


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