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My friend Jami bought a cheap mandolin a few months back. It's been sitting in its gig bag since then.
I was over there today and she asked if I could remove the packing and tune it for her. I've never played one before so with the help of the included teaching books and Google I found a G note on the phone to help me tune it. She had no other instruments in the house and I don't have perfect pitch (some might say I don't have any pitch ?) so thank goodness we live in the 21st century.
First I had to loosen all of the strings to lift the bridge off a little piece of styrofoam between it and the body, then tighten them again to tune them.
Within a few minutes I was playing the chords from the  book.
I learned my fingers are way too big for the mandolin.
I hope she enjoys it while she is (still) recovering.

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Way to go Greg! ??

I had a really cool mandolin for awhile which was fun to play while I was sitting and watching TV.


My fingers are also too large for these too, so I simply used some basic chords.  Here's a few images:




Enjoy! ?


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