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Keyboard Shortcuts key bindings

Eric Swardt

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I am a (very) long time Cakewalk user and am for one grateful for Bandlab to take this great program further into the future. Thanks!

Here is an idea for an enhancement that I think should be very easy to implement (i.e. life is easy for those who know nothing about the complicated coding and hard work and effort behind the scenes).


When I use Cakewalk to record in my studio I like to use my MIDI keyboard (Evolution Mk-249c2) as my control surface inside the life room. For this I have my keyboard shortcuts MIDI key bindings set up to make each key on the keyboard do something. However there is one essential thing missing which I am not able to assign to a keyboard binding, i.e. The "Next track" and the "Previous track" functions. These are basically controlled with the up and the down arrows on the asci keyboard. Please add those as functions in the list of things that I can bind to a Midi key. 


While were are on this subject. Currently key bindings require two hands to operate, i.e. one to hold the shift key and the other to press the appropriate key binding. Please add an option on the keyboard shortcuts key binding dialog  under the area for "MIDI shift options"  for "None", which if selected, will disable use of the midi keyboard as an musical instrument and use it as a control surface only. If we want to be really intuitive with this one we can bind the lowest key (e.g. C3) which is currently used as the shift key, to toggle between controller mode or midi instrument mode.


Hope this makes a bit of sense to somebody.


Thanks and best for the upcoming new year.

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