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Tony Foden

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Hello.  This is my first time here, so I'm not sure if this will be received.  This concerns TTS-1.   I have noticed on-line that other users are scratching their heads about this Cakewalk instrument software.  If you open Cakewalk in "Blank Project",  then you will see a  small window above the Tracks field labelled "Custom", and that is the worst choice you need to use TTS-1.  Why Bandlab has made "Custom"  the default choice is beyond me.  Click on this window, and from the dropdown list, choose "All".  now TTS-1 will work fine.  However,  I have downloaded the entire Cakewalk User Manual, a massive tome of over 1,000 pages, and there is no mention of TTS-1, which is very strange. There appears to be no online manual whatsoever concerning TTS-1.  Weird, eh?

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All the controls are always displayed in the track inspector regardless of the track control drop down setting. 

This drop down default has not changed in years and the setting does not affect TTS-1 operation.

I do set the drop to All but my motivation has nothing to do with TTS-1.

Do not confuse 

19 minutes ago, Tony Foden said:

online manual

with a manual available on the internet. In this context, "online" means the help is available on your PC instead of a hard copy. This usage predates the internet.

Like most plug-ins bundled with CbB, the help is installed locally on the drive with the plug-in.

The default url for the TTS-1 help is file:///C:/Program%20Files/Cakewalk/Shared%20DXi/TTS-1/Help/index_e.htm


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On 4/10/2021 at 5:04 PM, scook said:

The default url for the TTS-1 help is file:///C:/Program%20Files/Cakewalk/Shared%20DXi/TTS-1/Help/index_e.htm

I did not know this and I've used the TTS-1 since I originally purchased Music Creator 2.   Thanks Steve!  ☺

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This is strange: Pressing the help key leads to an error message "cannot open the help. cannot find the help information".

But using the local URL mentioned above does work.

Maybe I'll have to correct some registry keys ?

Thx for the URL...

PS: Maybe it's windows-language dependent. Win10 runs in german but CbB runs in English...?

Edited by michheld
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17 minutes ago, michheld said:

This is strange: Pressing the help key leads to an error message "cannot open the help. cannot find the help information".

But using the local URL mentioned above does work.

Yes, I have seen this problem before and is the read I mentioned the path in my first post and not the button on the UI.

On my current system (US Windows 10  20H2), the help button works OK

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