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Supa Reels

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She was sitting all alone on the bedroom chair

Whisky numbed the pain of those years gone by

She wondered through those playing cards that,we all know so well

But just came up empty and she began to cry


She never saw the truth in his words full of deception

He played her for a fool and the dots made no connection

And if it happened all again would she have known inside

And would he really ever cared for the many time she cried



Searching for a reason, but it doesn't come

You try so hard to fight it but you just felt numb




'Cause I have tried, tried and tried

Feel drained nothings the same coming home to somewhere else ….It's going to take this fight in the end …




Now she's left that all behind her, she likes to be alone

She keeps her heart protected, a sweet smile made of stone

She doesn't need love no more, and reminds herself each day

That men will always break your and leave you anyway



And I guess it's true, I have to say

When I see her quite by chance,

She looked a million dollars but within a fleeting glance

I swear I saw an emptiness where love had always been

It was then I realised she was just a beauty queen



Edited by SupaReels
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Hey Steve, very nice love song and your voice is just perfect for the genre. I thought the voc track needs to stand out bit more. Also I thought I was hearing something like static throughout the song and especially at the fade out, like aliasing noise or something. But I should mention I have some hearing issues so that might just be me. That's the reason I don't comment so much on audio engineering stuff 'cause I just don't trust my ears.


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5 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Hey Steve, very nice love song and your voice is just perfect for the genre. I thought the voc track needs to stand out bit more. Also I thought I was hearing something like static throughout the song and especially at the fade out, like aliasing noise or something. But I should mention I have some hearing issues so that might just be me. That's the reason I don't comment so much on audio engineering stuff 'cause I just don't trust my ears.



18 hours ago, jack c. said:

wonderful job recording and sounds.line up the drums and bass guitar a bit more.on the strings intro cut some of highs.i like this song.jack c.

Thankyou for the comments ..must say it's not my best work I just needed something that had a lot of tracks so I could experiment with mastering a mix using different bit rates and samples. I am now using a Focusrite Scarlett 18/20 so I am on a learning curve, a bit different to my old UR44.  I will go back over this to deal with that static sound you mentioned Bjorn as, indeed, I trust your ears LOL ...... You raise an excellent point with your whole comment  Jack esp the strings thankyou.


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On 4/4/2021 at 9:49 PM, bjornpdx said:

Hey Steve, very nice love song and your voice is just perfect for the genre. I thought the voc track needs to stand out bit more. Also I thought I was hearing something like static throughout the song and especially at the fade out, like aliasing noise or something. But I should mention I have some hearing issues so that might just be me. That's the reason I don't comment so much on audio engineering stuff 'cause I just don't trust my ears.


Hi SupaReels . . . I can echo bjorn's comments here about the mix, and the quality of the vocal, but, the high end of the instruments simply overshadow the vocals . . . there's a good song here, just needs some further mix attention.

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8 hours ago, noynekker said:

Hi SupaReels . . . I can echo bjorn's comments here about the mix, and the quality of the vocal, but, the high end of the instruments simply overshadow the vocals . . . there's a good song here, just needs some further mix attention.

Many thanks for listening and the comment .. as said I have just added a Scarlett 18I20 and I think I found the problem that you and Bjorn picked up on, in that I used something called 'air' to some of the parts. Long one short it adds a additional higher band, I think this was what Bjorn may have heard .. so he's ears didn't betray him. I'm doing some vocal stuff at the moment for a friend but I will remix and see/hear if it sounds right .. more later and I send my thanks for your time ;)



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13 minutes ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

On laptop so can't comment on the mix but enjoyed the tune. Reminded me of Phil Collins..

Thanks mate, the wife calls this type of vocal ' a talking song' ...maybe it's something in the air ..I danno ?

Stay safe


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14 minutes ago, Bajan Blue said:

Good track - I can hear some top end stuff as Bjorn mentioned.

Also, on my systems it sounds a little bass light

Enjoyed it, cool stuff



Yep your right ... it's the new sound module I'm getting to grips with. Many thanks for listening ?


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