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my new rock stomper: "Headin EastWest"

bats brew

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Headin’ Eastwest- there is a little eastern intrigue happening in this slow heavy rock tune. It is a hopeful feeling song about taking journeys, long sojourns, to places you’ve never been before, and hoping for the best outcomes. You don’t need to know exactly what direction you are going, only that you are going. Could be east, could be west.

guitar geek stuff: for cabinet impulse responses i used 
1.Celestion G12m in 2x12 closed back cab
2. Celestion 2x12 blues cab
3. York Audio Friedman 4x12 w/V30's cab.
4. York Audio Mesa 2x12 V30 LTD (this only cost $1, and is so good)
marshall super lead and vox ac30 amp models in the strymon iridium for all these parts.

i used everything on this pedalboard as well:

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14 minutes ago, Harry C. said:

Hey batsbrew,

Great sound, interesting and varied played, I like it very much. Everything fits perfectly, you can not do anything better... except maybe add a good rock singer :)

thanks Harry, that's cool of you to say, glad you dig this one...

i'm working on a new batch of songs right now, that are in this flavor, but with vocals.

3 in, so far...

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17 minutes ago, KurtS said:

Nice chunky beat with great crunchy guitar sounds, good stuff.

thanks kurt! yea, chunky.... i was trying to get some 'knock' out of some of the new IR's i was experimenting with...


the recording was great to do that with, and i learned a lot about what i like, don't like, and will totally keep using of the IR business...


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On 3/28/2021 at 6:21 PM, Andrew Rhodes said:

My goodness! There are some talented guys on this board! Fantastic! To my ears everything seemed spot on (not that I have much experience).

Bit of the old Guthrie Govan in there? ?

hi andrew!

glad you dig this one...

you know, i love guthrie, but i suppose i've been playing guitar longer than guthrie has been alive?!


i've been doing this a long time...

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