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Drag and drop functionality in Browser

Starship Krupa

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On 3/22/2021 at 6:48 PM, Starship Krupa said:

Specifically the Plug-ins tabs.

Having to right click and select from a list of categories is excess hassle.

Even 3 years in to CbB, I still sometimes forget that I can't just drag a plug-in from Uncategorized to the folder where I want it.

Im confused, are you referring to the browser pane specifically?  I always go into the CW VST layout and customize my plug lists as well as exclude vst2 plug ins.  I do like that CW files most of my plug ins within cats (eq, dynamics) as most DAWs I am familiar with do not sort them in this way, that I know of at the time I've used them anyway.  I do find myself needing the browser pane to function more like OS explore windows, usually when im in a crunch.

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8 hours ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

are you referring to the browser pane specifically?

Yes, was it ambiguous? I, like you, would like it to function more like Windows Explorer.

I think by "CW VST layout" you mean the Plug-In Manager? The reason I don't use that for organizing my layout is because when I did, newly installed plug-ins with no category information embedded in them weren't showing up in the Browser. If I organize them in the Browser itself, I still get them in the category "Uncategorized."

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On 4/1/2021 at 1:13 PM, Starship Krupa said:

Yes, was it ambiguous? I, like you, would like it to function more like Windows Explorer.

I think by "CW VST layout" you mean the Plug-In Manager? The reason I don't use that for organizing my layout is because when I did, newly installed plug-ins with no category information embedded in them weren't showing up in the Browser. If I organize them in the Browser itself, I still get them in the category "Uncategorized."

Just double checking, I am far to aware that 99% of text based socializing plays out entirely in ones imagination, so Im compelled to act diligently.

Yes, I abbrv. 4 speed.  That is interesting though, I do not have or can yet recreate your exact experience with the browser, that I can so far understand exactly as being your experience anyway

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Being relatively unfamiliar with using plug-ins I find the Categories useful.  I've tried to maintain a list of a minimal number of Categories.  That forces me to understand the function of a plug-in well enough to determine what Category to place it in.  If I don't understand a plug-in or where to place it, I don't need it.  So the Categories help me to maintain focus.

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12 hours ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

I do not have or can yet recreate your exact experience with the browser

Which part of my experience? I'd be happy to further clarify.

My issue with using the Cakewalk Plug-In Manager to do my custom layouts is that when I install new plug-ins that are "Uncategorized (which means that the developers didn't set the "category" string in their vst code), those don't show up in the Browser.

My issues with making my own layouts using the Browser itself are that it's clunky. To do anything, one must right click and work in a menu. No drag and drop, no renaming from the Browser itself. I'd like to slow click on a plug-in name to rename it. I'd like to drag a plug-in from one folder to another.

Something I just thought of: I'd like to select multiple plug-ins (using Ctrl) and be able to either drag them to another folder or to an FX rack. Wouldn't that be slick?

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4 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

""Uncategorized--- those don't show up in the Browser."" 

They don't show up in the Uncategorized folder in the browser to where you can right click on the plug or multiple plugs (click + shift HOLD -> select last plug in range wanted for selection) to manually categorize it??  Thats how mine works ?


"Browser itself are that it's clunky. No drag and drop, no renaming from the Browser itself. I'd like to slow click on a plug-in name to rename it. I'd like to drag a plug-in from one folder to another."

Agree!  I'd say to the developers to just rid of the internal browser altogether, it's useless in a touch screen environment which is trending hard now and cakewalk is the first and real contender in the touchscreen integration situation.   Just  needs to work with the OS explorer windows for drag drop and utilize more of a pro tools and reaper style of inserting plug ins that is quick on the fly and intuitive to routing.  Browsing just kills the work flow for me and I do not like all that space wasted on my screen.


"I'd like to select multiple plug-ins (using Ctrl) and be able to either drag them to another folder or to an FX rack. Wouldn't that be slick?"

You know I wasn't aware that this wasn't a thing.   Whenever I do make a nice chain of plugin inserts, I do take advantage of saving them into racks or fx chain presets that I can automate and design my own modules.  There are several tweaking and customizing abilities that are creative and really helpful, but there are weird limitations too, the browser and the graphics are just annoyingly a decade past it's functionality.  

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Okay, I think I need to add some definitions.

  1. Browser: the multifunction window that's docked to the right of the Track Pane by default. It may be collapsed, relocated, or closed entirely. Displays a list of plug-in category folders (among other things). Plug-ins may be dragged and dropped from this window on to tracks in the Track and Console views. Plug-in names that show up in this view may be edited and relocated to one or more category folders via a right-click menu.
  2. FX Rack and Insert Synth Menus: these are flyout menus that appear when the "+" sign is clicked in an FX rack or when the user is choosing a synth in the Synth Rack or Replace Synth dialogs.
  3. Cakewalk Plug-In Manager: accessed by going to Utilities > Cakewalk Plug-in Manager. Among its other functions, this allows you to organize your plug-ins into folders and categories for display in the Browser and FX Rack/Insert Synth menus.

Now. If I use the functions in the Browser to customize my layout, the next time I install a plug-in that doesn't have a category string that Cakewalk can use to put it in a category, Cakewalk will display the category "Uncategorized" in the Browser with the new plug-in in that category. Then I can select it (or multiple ones) and use the right click menu to move it to another category.

However, if I've used Cakewalk Plug-In Manager, unless a new plug-in has a category string that matches one of the category names I'm using in my layout, the plug-in won't show up at all in the Browser view. This is a pain in the rear for someone who tries out as many plug-ins as I do.

The Cakewalk Plug-In Manager allows for greater versatility with folders as well as drag-and-drop organization. However, it's basically a separate program that must be launched, then you do your work, then save and close. The developers have said multiple times that they consider it a dead end and want to move its functions to other areas of the program. I don't want to become dependent on it for my workflow.

As far as inserting plug-ins, my only complaint about the flyout menus is that depending on sort criteria, the list can scroll off the bottom of the screen and require moving around by clicking on tiny arrows. They don't respond to mousewheeling.

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@Starship Krupa yes, I am aware of everything you’ve reiterated except for plug ins going missing from the browser.  Perhaps I have not tried enough plug ins to experience it.  

I knew I would eventually regret participating in the forum, I’ve lost my skills to communicate through texts.  Its become a problem with all of my texting channels.  I find it alarming considering that I have a few academic and scholastic achievements under my belt.  

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