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Seagate 5 Tb Portable Hard Drive

Larry Shelby

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31 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

Awesome portable HD.
Runs totally off USB power. Small enough to easily fit in your laptop bag. Not an SSD but fast enough to do the job.

Have one tethered to my laptop to store my downloads, less frequently used Kontakt libs, etc.

It's what I use as my storage drive.  I got it for the same price last year.  If I had the money
I'd be buying another one!

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I've got 2 of these on different systems running close to 24/365.
Oldest is a 4TB version that's maybe 5 or more years old - no issues with either so far.
That being said - I've learned the hard way that only a fool keeps his data on one device.  I keep everything backed up on separate HDs. 

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I have a couple of these and they are quite useful (the colors make it easy to track which is which too).

I scratch my head at times with these reliability reports. There is not a lot mechanically going on in an HDD (most use the same vendors on piece parts to boot), and about the only way to fail it is to park heads on the media (even on loss of power, the inductive kick would park the heads on power loss 20+ years ago) or to get a nice 100g head slap from dropping it while spinning. I have yet to have a drive fail (even an SSD, and I trust SSDs far less), so seeing stats of less than a year make me really wonder. By the time they are assembled into drives, all of the piece parts have been tested out, and the drive banks run them for a bit to write the sector markers before they ever get packaged (and not a lot of run time is needed on the board to make sure the components don't smoke).

That said, the smaller drives were also the ones where we got challenged to make price points way back when. Extremes (either low or high) with capacity I would be wary of due to the "price point challenge" or if the areal density (and bit rate at the outer cylinders) is being pushed.

I had to chuckle writing this... the cash cow I ran years ago was 1G per PLATTER (4 max)... boy we have gotten spoiled!

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