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$200 Discount for Total Studio 2 owners when buying Total Studio 3

Reid Rosefelt

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Yep Peter please stick around - most of us recognise that your response was out of character and you graciously apologised. I'm sure none of us here us innocent of not losing it occasionally in a discussion and regretting it afterwards!

The best thing about this forum is its friendliness and helpfulness - ok we get a bit annoyed about stuff sometimes but we shouldn't shoot the messenger! 

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Yes Pete please don't leave :D

I brought most of the IK stuff and the price for me isn't worth the value. So be it. The value I got from ST4 max was worth the upgrade price. Now how about some more Orchestra type sound add-on packs please. 

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Yes we do like Pete...but this is really the first time that he has "crossed over", and I assume that's
because he played some part in what they are doing, and feels offended.  Nevertheless, as a Sales Rep, he should
be "biting his tongue".  And REALLY, he should be taking legitimate customer complaints back to the Office, but instead,
and quite oddly I might add, has chosen a "retaliatory" position, which is really not wise. 

Despite that, he's still always welcome here!  That being said:

To clarify AGAIN, I personally stated VERY SPECIFICALLY that my remarks about IK's DUMBNESS were not directed at Pete,

Pete has always been helpful, and usually very diplomatic, but this seems to "really bother him", and most likely
because he SEES the problem here clearly, with what they have done to themselves now that it's been "pointed out", and feels it necessary to 
"mount a defense" of both himself and the company.

All things considered, this is the WORST PRODUCT ROLLOUT/LAUNCH ever by any company that I can remember,
and I go a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ways back!  There was no "pre-order pricing", no advance notice whatsoever, no
"intro pricing" when the product was released and posted on the site, and people had to WAIT a day to find out about a 
"bonus discount" that really wasn't a discount at all, but rather a "re-writing" of the price structure, basically amounting to
the ELIMINATIION of the TS Max to TS Max Upgrade path, in favor of just a "Maxgrade", which AGAIN bones the Total Studio
Max customers, in favor of those who just own "any" single Max product.  

As I stated, all that they have done to themselves is to eliminate any reason to buy any "individual products", because they
don't "mean anything" in the grand scheme of things!  Just wait for a new Total Studio Package and save yourself a LOT
of TIME and MONEY!

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38 minutes ago, bdickens said:

Strange I don't seem to see nearly the same amount of ire directed at Native Instruments or Steinberg, neither of whom has ever been accused of being overly generous themselves.

Steinberg and Waves are on my sux list. 

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1 minute ago, Paul Young said:

Steinberg and Waves are on my sux list. 

Waves is definitely out, while the $29 price point was a welcome thing, they sucked the value out of that by charging for anything and everything
that they hadn't charged for up until recently!  Steinberg, the only things I care about are Cubase and now Spectral Layers,
Native Instruments has become purely Kontakt for me personally.  They also have a horrible structure.

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I think the problem is if you got stuff from IK in  group buys then Total Studio isn't a great deal. Nothing wrong with that.
If you're not in a rush, wait for the super sale on Total Studio that we all know will be coming at future point in time :D

I will add that I am one of the crowd that really likes ST4-max.

Edited by InstrEd
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That's certainly my position - I've never been an early adopter - didn't get a mobile phone until I needed to call home after a conference (as I was going on a pub crawl ? ) and found none of the phone boxes worked and one of them had been used as a toilet! 

I'll stick around until the upgrade from TS2 to TS 3 is worth it - I wouldn't go to more than £100 as I don't really need the stuff 

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1 minute ago, InstrEd said:

I think the problem is if you got stuff from IK in  group buys then Total Studio isn't a great deal. Nothing wrong with that.
If you're not in a rush, wait for the super sale on Total Studio that we all know will be coming at future point in time :D


Group buys are always nice, but the real question now has become "how long before they knock those free products down from
being upgradable" as they've done with anything that comes with a piece of hardware.  One would think that
the idea that "giving software as an incentive/or incentive to buy hardware" would be to get people to invest MORE, not LESS,
by getting them to UPGRADE that software, but hey, I don't have a Marketing degree...

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28 minutes ago, bdickens said:

Strange I don't seem to see nearly the same amount of ire directed at Native Instruments or Steinberg, neither of whom has ever been accused of being overly generous themselves.

Well NI does have their annual Christmas freebie, which is pretty generous.


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4 minutes ago, JoeGBradford said:

didn't get a mobile phone until I needed

I don't get the crowd that keeps updating their phone every year.    My mobile phone is 52 months old and finally needs to be replaced soon.  It had a good run. I'm looking forward to the camera the most, not making calls with it  ?

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1 hour ago, bdickens said:

Strange I don't seem to see nearly the same amount of ire directed at Native Instruments or Steinberg, neither of whom has ever been accused of being overly generous themselves.

You do get a lot of people complaining that the upgrade price to Komplete 13 is the same from Komplete 12 as it is from version 2, which came out around 20 years ago.   Of course this argument ignores that the people who upgraded at various points along the way have benefitted from the upgrades they have paid for along the way.

For me, the cost of upgrading individual Amplitube products is less than that of upgrading to Amplitube 5 Max.  That's not something I'm overly happy with, but there's nothing special about being a MAX owner.

What I don't understand is the obsession of upgrade pricing when their download policy is so clearly unacceptable.

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The deals forum is and has always been optional. You can buy or not. It is OK to express an opinion about the product being posted but as with all other forums here attacking persons is not allowed. We hope and expect civility and respect to all who post. Because this has been off the rails with personal attacks I am locking this thread. 


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  • John locked this topic
16 hours ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

after basically being called mentally deficient

As addition to John's comment, a search of this thread has at no point called you that sir.

Please peeps keep this civil, I would also remind suppliers that people are allowed to offer their own personal point of view, provided they are civil too.

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