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jack c.

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Jack, you have such a unique approach to songwriting that makes it interesting to listen to even if the mix is a little off.  In this case, my only crit is that the lead vocal could be louder so that the words can be understood better.  Overall, your voice is well recorded and clear, just not quite loud enough for my old ears.  You write interesting songs, and I can hear the time and thought that goes into each one, so let those lyrics shine!

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7 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

jack, you have such a unique approach to songwriting that makes it interesting to listen to even if the mix is a little off.  In this case, my only crit is that the lead vocal could be louder so that the words can be understood better.  Overall, your voice is well recorded and clear, just not quite loud enough for my old ears.  You write interesting songs, and I can hear the time and thought that goes into each one, so let those lyrics shine!

thanks for the wonderful review!!!!!!

          the mix is a little off.

please explain this further or in different words.jack c.

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Hey Jack,
I'd bring the bass to the center (its a taste thing; your tune, your production).
I'm thinking I would use a bit of verb on the accordion. The "stabs" would blend a bit better that way; I think.
Is this a re-mix, I followed the vocal, up a db or so wouldn't hurt, but...


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14 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

Hey Jack,
I'd bring the bass to the center (its a taste thing; your tune, your production).
I'm thinking I would use a bit of verb on the accordion. The "stabs" would blend a bit better that way; I think.
Is this a re-mix, I followed the vocal, up a db or so wouldn't hurt, but...


Is this a re-mix,

        no.thanks for listen/comments.jack c.

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