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Paul Bush

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Listening to the opening bars the drums seem a little awash in reverb, which as the song progresses shows it self in the toms booming/hanging a little, perhaps that was your intent.  Overall the drums do end up sounding in a different space to my furry ears, which is  shame as it is quite a well craft song with some nice licks on the guitar, nice touch with the B3.

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Wow, I really like this song!  Your vocal is very strong and convincing and well performed.  This has a retro vibe, yet a modern sound.  A little less reverb would make this sound closer to the listener and more intimate, but I like reverb, so it belongs regardless.  Good songwriting!

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  On 2/21/2021 at 7:04 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

Wow, I really like this song!  Your vocal is very strong and convincing and well performed.  This has a retro vibe, yet a modern sound.  A little less reverb would make this sound closer to the listener and more intimate, but I like reverb, so it belongs regardless.  Good songwriting!


Hi Lynn ,  and thanks for those encouraging comments ...now I´m really confused !!!  , totally agree with you all on the over the top reverb so Ive calmed it down  and re-mixed  Ived re recorded the  bass in parts and I´m now rewriting and  recording some of the vocals ... I´m shocked and suprised by some of the response to this one as I was going to delete  and bin it convinced it was a pile of  ..doggy doo doo .....and said so much  on another forum so it really does go to show that I know absolutely nothing about the stuff I do.....  cheers ...still confused


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  On 2/21/2021 at 7:57 PM, Paul Bush said:

I was going to delete  and bin it


Don't do that!
Verb on the drums, that's a taste thing; who cares.

Ringo kept the time, I think John pushed the tunes; at least that's what I hear.

Your tune; I feel the drummer needs to "push" the tune, I'd start with the snare maybe.
Just a "tad" in front of the beat some times; I think...


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O.K chaps Ive re- recorded some of those vocals , I`ve punched in some new Bass, tamed down the reverb, changed the snare , and adressed some of the timing issues ..and I`ve washed the car ..without all of your constuctive input and concern this song wouldnt have got this far, so thanks  for taking the time out to comment ,it really does mean a lot  ..so here is the re -mix cheers.......  its not perfect but then again  things  never are.


Edited by Paul Bush
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