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Mercury Light Green Theme Updated for CbB 2021.12


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Just updated my original SONAR Platinum theme called "Mercury Light Green" (mostly Mercury with green highlights replacing the blue ones) to CbB.


It was a pretty quick pass through the theme and there may be some things I missed or did not get the shade just right. If so, let me know. The theme may be found on my google page along with the rest of my CbB stuff.


I will try to keep it current but since it is not my everyday theme there are no guarantees.


edit: updated for 2020.04

edit: updated for 2021.01

edit: updated for 2021.04

edit: updated for 2021.12

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I downloaded the themes and placed them in the Cakewalk Content /Cakewalk Themes folder. When I open Cakewalk by Bandlab none of the themes show up in

preference themes drop down. I also have Sonar Platinum on my computer. Am I placing the themes in the right folder?

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Not sure what to tell you WRT themes not showing up.


CbB uses "Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes"

SONAR uses "Cakewalk Content\SONAR Themes"


While the theme format is the same for both programs, there may be some colors and images missing when using the new themes in SONAR or old themes in CbB.

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Yeah, that is why I revived this one. Prior to CbB, any mod to Mercury whether large like Tungsten or a single change resulted in giving up strip colors. For many running Mercury this was to big a loss. Fortunately CbB supports strip colors across the board making themes like this one more attractive. To me, it still looks a little odd with a dark Control Bar and have started a new version with light grey Control Bar.

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Problem solved about themes not showing up in Cakewalk. The culprit was Windows Defender, it was blocking the folder to make changes. Once I turned the feature off the themes showed up in the drop down screen. Thanks, nice theme colors to change the scenery every now and then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the look of the light green.  I'm starting to get into the theme editor and coming up with my own tweaks but it's a bit confusing at first.

One thing that has me currently stumped, if you don't mind helping a noob out.  Where on earth can I find the color of the text for the volume/pan controls?


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I am not sure that text can be changed. Of the themes I have reviewed, they all have the same text color. Not all elements in the UI are exposed in the theme editor.

There is no documentation on the relationship between colors and UI elements. I have some user attempts at creating this information but do not believe they are available at this time. One could go through the editor making extreme changes to colors to see the effects. This is what others have done.

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1 hour ago, matt said:

I really like the look of the light green.  I'm starting to get into the theme editor and coming up with my own tweaks but it's a bit confusing at first.

One thing that has me currently stumped, if you don't mind helping a noob out.  Where on earth can I find the color of the text for the volume/pan controls?


Global / Horizontal Sliders ?

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Really? When I changed the Global > Horizontal Sliders color to a shade of red in Mercury Light Green, it did not change the text. It only changed the slider like this


Maybe I misread the question. The image in question is pretty small although looking at the image again I may have assumed this was a question about the label for the control and not the control value. Pretty sure the color for control values may be changed but I am not sure which color it is ATM. This image in this post is an example of how to test a color though.

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10 minutes ago, Matthew White said:

Ok, found it, strangely it's: Track View / Unfocused Track Text, this will change text color on some other parts though like media browser and loop & selection control bar display.

Awesome, that's it thanks!  Also changes media browser etc.

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One thing I did not mention before...a useful feature in the theme editor is the ability to filter a theme for modified colors and images. The filters are on the View tab. Often when editing a theme,  I will open a second theme editor instance to review another theme (or the same theme) for changes. An additional instance is handy for copying images and colors too.

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