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Flakey Track Template


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I constructed a track template with 1 Audio and 4 Aux tracks as follow:

Audio track: output to Aux1.

Aux1: output to Aux4, 1 send Aux 2, 1 send Aux 3.

Aux2: output to Aux4.

Aux3: output to Aux4.

Aux4: output to 1 hardware output.


The Audio track is just an anchor to enable the construction the track template. If a new empty project is opened the Template inserts as designed, but... If it’s inserted into an existing project The Aux4 shows up as an Audio track with no input and an output to one of the other Aux tracks. The patch point for Aux4 exists, and in order to make it work as intended for the misassigned “Aux4 Audio”, the Aux4 patch point has to be assigned to the audio input and the output assigned to the required hardware output manually, which of course converts it to an Aux track.


This feels like a bug, has anyone else experienced strange Template behavior? Incidentally I’m using WASAPI with 3 stereo hardware outputs.

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This is a real issue with templates, and similar assignment quirks have been previously experienced, so any serious insights would be appreciated, in order to resolve this! Quaint observations aside ...

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Well, as we say down here in the south is "you cant squeeze blood out of a turnip"

Basically what you are encountering is a fail safe that prevents the damaging audio gear and monitoring systems because what you are doing is creating a double feedback loop that cannot be controlled once its cycled out exponentially.  A blank project is giving you the reigns of designing your ins and outs but when in a projectthat has defined I/Os, the paths are restricted to their proper signal flow.   

If I witnessed this type of routing going on, id be shutti ng down all of my external components immediately because it doesnt take very much experimentation to destroy preamps in a $2-3k interface.

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@Clovis Ramsay I appreciate your response, but unless I've misunderstood, I believe in this case your conjecture is inaccurate.  I can open a project that only has all the available hardware outs defined in a master bus, and the track template as described, which has no feedback loops and a single hardware output endpoint,  inserts  flawlessly and works as intended, in this and other projects . Moreover as previously stated the correct patch point exists for the  misassigned final target Aux4 track which appears as an audio track which, after reassigning the unassigned  input to the patch point and the output to the hardware output originally specified, becomes the Aux track as originally intended.  The initial audio track is just an anchor for the template with no input, intended to be deleted.

This is a sporadic misassignment potential bug, that can occur in a given project but not all, and in this particular case it's a MIDI project with no external audio inputs or any Aux tracks defined. I believe this is related to CbB's handling of the WASAPI output drivers under certain circumstances. So as we say up North "Go figure"...



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7 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

We'll look into a fix for this as time/resources allow

Thank you sir... That's all I was hoping for, your efforts are appreciated and...  It's nice to know I'm not entirely demented yet ?...

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