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Walking on Eggs

freddy j

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Here is a light little song about an uncomfortable feeling that I have had a few times. It is done tongue-in-cheek (of course).  Have you ever had that feeling?

I have walked away from this song a few times.  It is the first time that I have intentionally tried to approach a reggae style song -- or at least my approximation of one.  Therefore, I would especially appreciate any suggestion, crit.'s, etc.





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Hi tom.  I'm really glad that you like this one.  I always appreciate your commenting and encouragement.

Hey David.  Thanks very much for the kind words and I very glad that you liked it.  I think that we have all been in situations where we feel that way.  Yup, I have certainly gotten egg all over my shoes.

Thanks Douglas.  I very much appreciate the comments.  As this was my first real attempt at this style I was a bit wary about it.  Thanks for noticing the organ.  I did kind of push it in the background as all those black and white keys confused me. ☺️

Hi Nigel.  I appreciate that you took the time to listen and comment.  I very much appreciate the kind words.

Hi Jack C.  Thanks for listening and commenting, and I glad that you enjoyed it.  Thanks also for the tip on the bass.  I went back and listened to some reggae, and I get what you are saying.   As I am used to playing on the downbeat, I am going to have to practice that a bit.  Thanks again.

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Hi Wookie.  Thanks for listening.  If it brought a smile to your face then my mission was accomplished.  Thanks again.

Hey SupraReels.  I am glad that you liked it.  You are probably right about the timing.  As Jack C. pointed out, not having the beat on the first note would make it sound more reggae-ish.  Also I am just getting introduced to this style which I'm sure messed up my timing.  Thanks for the insight and for taking the time to comment!

Hey Lynn.  A marriage between reggae and rockabilly -- cool ---reggabilly --- I love it!!!  Poet laureate -  thank you,  but wouldn't I need to be able to spell to do that? ?? I appreciate the kind words my friend.  BTW I love the recent post that Daryl and you did.

Hi Bjorn.  Ya, I think that we all have been there at least once.  Thanks for listening and for your kind comments.

Thank you Hidden Symmetry.  I am glad that you enjoyed it.  I appreciate you kind comments.

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