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Import Track Data of other projects...

Jaime Ramírez

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You can do this if you know how - it's not very intuitive:

  • Open up both source & destination projects ("Allow only one open project at a time" must be unchecked within Preferences->File->Advanced)
  • Select the tracks from the source project, and save as a track template
  • "Copy Special" the tracks from the source project
  • Insert the track template into the destination project
  • "Paste Special" the tracks into the tracks on the destination project that were created by the template
  • If you copied instrument tracks, extra audio tracks are created at the end - you can delete these.

Quick demo:



Edited by msmcleod
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13 hours ago, Jaime Ramírez said:

Hi, In Pro Tools and Studio One now is possible that function.. But in Sonar and Cakewalk Bandlab is not. Is necessary when work with many songs of the same artist for example... 

Import Track Data in a single manner.. 

Maybe doing it as a merge. Project menu - merge - select two of the open projects - voila.

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23 minutes ago, Kurre said:

Maybe doing it as a merge. Project menu - merge - select two of the open projects - voila.

Yeah - it would be great if this was a single operation... maybe have the save / load template bit as another option in the copy special / paste special options.

I'm kinda used to it now, but it took a while to work out a stable process.

I now always use the same track template  "copy_tracks.cwx" in the root of the templates directory (and overwrite it each time) so I don't need to go searching for it. This speeds up the workflow a bit.

For project merges, just dragging projects in from the media browser works to an extent... but you don't get everything unless you do the track template part as well.

Maybe having it so if you hold CTRL whilst dragging or something like that would automatically create a track template and import it as well as importing the track data.

Edited by msmcleod
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