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Larry Shelby

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5 minutes ago, Fleer said:

Don’t know why, but I stopped looking at Wusik freebies. 

Wasn't there a story about the owner of Wusik getting into an online forum 'fight' with some guy and then deliberately spreading the details of the guy he was arguing with onto spam lists?

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1 hour ago, Fleer said:

Don’t know why, but I stopped looking at Wusik freebies. 

Ya. Me too. I used to be interested in Wusik's stuff, and he did develop a few useful things, but his marketing style and erratic development have given me such a bad taste, that I have pretty much written him off. He has been promising and selling upgrades to Wusik Station 10 for so long now, it is a bit of a joke. Now I see little mention of WS 10 on his site at all. I hate to say it but he spends more time on marketing schemes (Patreon, group buys, deep discount sales), than he does actual coding. I know he struggles with mental health issues and I wish him the best. I am just not going to invest any more time or money into his products.

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I'm a bit wary of any Wusik stuff. His stuff looks to be hastily put together with little to no concern over stability or bug checking. Somehow, his stuff manages to be less stable than what the Ardour team puts out and that's not a good remark to make.

12 hours ago, Doug Rintoul said:

I hate to say it but he spends more time on marketing schemes (Patreon, group buys, deep discount sales), than he does actual coding. I know he struggles with mental health issues and I wish him the best. I am just not going to invest any more time or money into his products.

If you have to constantly put your stuff on sale, either you're selling very well or you're not selling. Considering you rarely hear anything about Wusik stuff around, it's the latter.

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7 hours ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

I'm a bit wary of any Wusik stuff. His stuff looks to be hastily put together with little to no concern over stability or bug checking. Somehow, his stuff manages to be less stable than what the Ardour team puts out and that's not a good remark to make.

If you have to constantly put your stuff on sale, either you're selling very well or you're not selling. Considering you rarely hear anything about Wusik stuff around, it's the latter.

 Some of us have paid for a  Wusikstation 10 upgrade that we may never see.  I'm sure that was part of the harassment he has gotten.

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1.    Wusik JP99. VA Synth
2.    Wusik Prototype. VA Synth Creator
3.    Wusik PR82. Performance Product
4.    Wusik DR7. Drum Pads Sample Player
5.    Wusik SEQ1. Wavesequencer Synth
6.    Wusik PWM
7.    Wusik ARP+
8.    Wusik MOD800

That was promised to be developed and was included in the group buy december 2019. It was written that they would be developed under the year 2020.

We still wait for those.

The question is how long do you have to wait before you can sue him. There's no problem proving his promises. He gave them in writing. And have taken the money for the items.

As long as he's not hospitalised, mental health should not be an alibi.

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15 minutes ago, Kurre said:

1.    Wusik JP99. VA Synth
2.    Wusik Prototype. VA Synth Creator
3.    Wusik PR82. Performance Product
4.    Wusik DR7. Drum Pads Sample Player
5.    Wusik SEQ1. Wavesequencer Synth
6.    Wusik PWM
7.    Wusik ARP+
8.    Wusik MOD800

That was promised to be developed and was included in the group buy december 2019. It was written that they would be developed under the year 2020.

We still wait for those.

The question is how long do you have to wait before you can sue him. There's no problem proving his promises. He gave them in writing. And have taken the money for the items.

As long as he's not hospitalised, mental health should not be an alibi.

Hate to say it, but developed and released are two different things.  Haven't seen the verbiage, but based on what you wrote sounds like there might be a loophole.

Either way, glad I'm not on-board with any of it.  

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So...if you have a mental health problem you get a freecard to do what shit you want without repercussion?

Not in my book.

Maybe in the book of softys.

(And no i would not sue him. The amount of money do not justify that. Plus i'm not an American.)

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On 1/25/2021 at 5:55 PM, Wibbles said:

One of the posts above contains one of the most ignorant and heartless comments I've read on here in quite a while. :(

Let's all contract diseases so we can get away with murder!

I've never seen Chris from Airwindows back down and he has autism, so...

Edited by Bruno de Souza Lino
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On 1/25/2021 at 9:55 PM, Wibbles said:

One of the posts above contains one of the most ignorant and heartless comments I've read on here in quite a while. :(

You are not alone thinking in those terms.

(First of all I want to make clear I am not related in any way to the developer in question. Just someone that really knows how hard is to cope with life in that kind of circumstances)

And to be honest the entire thread is extremely sad to read. I can understand people paying for something not delivered to be upset. But that is no excuse to the complete lack of empathy and caring about others conditions and life circumstances (both related to health and financial terms). Even to the point of showing a brutal total ignorance on those issues that borders plain stupidity like shown in the previous comment to this.

It's incredibly sad people don't care a sh*t about others and their circumstances for real as much as their life is normal enough and until it's one of them or a loved one that gets caught in hard life circumstances. And in this case, treating someone and appling the same way of judging like if it was a well established company with money and people working normal schedules to a solo developer really struggling financially and specially with mental health issues that are incredibly debilitating to the point of rendering you unable to do anything for long periods of time with serious mood changes that obviously affect your capacity to work in a normal and efficient way, like if he had to deliver the very same way is both unfair as sad.

For instance, for someone struggling like this developer, to read such heartless comments about yourself and your work in a thread like this during one of the common very low peaks can easily be the last push for your mind to think "that's it, I am done. I can't take anymore" that could easly lead to suicide (like social networks have proved over and over by now).

Are you still waiting for something to be delivered and are upset ? That's completely ok. Are you not interested in his work anymore ? That's ok too. What it's NOT ok is that there is no need at all to go and tell the world about it in the way shown here. In fact the only true outcome that comes from comments like those is to predispose others to think and act in those same lines for the only sake of a bunch of strangers on a forum writting this. Something that only helps making life harder for someone whos life is already hard.

EDIT: I just want to make sure that I am not here to defend this person specifically, but trying to bring some insight about the kind problem shown in this thread.

Edited by Jeslan
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Yes, that is how it should be in a perfect world. It would be nice if everybody cared about every one else.

We wouldn't have homeless people, old people dieing in pandemis, people that was not cared for when child and goes on to rob and steal and aggravated assault.

But when you come out of your dream to the real world...

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2 hours ago, Kurre said:

But when you come out of your dream to the real world...

I agree that we are living in the opposite to an ideal world but that's no excuse at all regarding the kind of awareness I was trying to convey. Actually quite the opposite, more reason to be more aware, compassionate and caring on the personal and individual level. Because that is all that is left in a world like the one we live in.

In fact the reason we are in a world so heartless like this is because most people themselves allow the world to be in this state. Because even if you actually can't do a thing about those in power and making the rules, empathy and caring comes from within oneself, in the end that is a personal choice. So it is when we comply as individuals on becoming careless and heartless, because it is easier or because other's act like this, using poor excuses to justify and feel better about ourselves when human interaction becomes the sh*t show it is.

Actually how this thread has been going on is a perfect example of how it's in our hand the choice to do things better even in the smaller things and to be more compassionate and caring. Which in the end it will apply to literally hundreds of other situations during our daily lives.

So all it is needed to improve the world at that level is to raise awareness about things we don't realize we do wrong at first glance and take that personal choice to be more caring and compassionate next time.

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Ok. Last thing before lockdown.

Mental health problem does not make a person stupid.

Mental health problem does not make somebody to a nice person.

If a person gets a chance to take advantage of a situation it will happen in x% of cases.

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Aside for these things which I know nothing about, I remember Wusik being around for a LONG time. Have seen ads for it here off and on over the years. 

Have always been tempted to try it but it seemed I always had enough synths to cover me. I clicked the link and went to the makers personal website. Listened to some of his music. Well made but mostly in the techno genre. 

Is Wusik primarily a techno synth line? What would you compare it to? 


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