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PA Ampeg SVT-VR Classic FREE


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13 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

We percieve real amps differently as we are not used to only hearing them recorded, we get to hear the actual sound it produces


13 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

worlds different when you are talking about an amp like a Wreck

the Train was the first one I bought from PA and still enjoy the most, now intrigued by the possibilities of a real one... ? 

13 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

Depends on the sound you are after.

just exploring the potential for something more than an amp sim, was looking at the Ethos, but i'm not one to obsess over what anybody else has done, just looking for tools, magic wands, etc. to inspire exploration in new directions. I tend to build tracks around guitar sounds and real works better for me than a sim. The Swart is a pretty good example, something Buddy Miller has used to good effect. 

13 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

Steve Kimock

Ah yes, from the Petaluma days. IIRC, he was pretty tight with Mesa Boogie. 

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14 minutes ago, jackson white said:


the Train was the first one I bought from PA and still enjoy the most, now intrigued by the possibilities of a real one... ? 

just exploring the potential for something more than an amp sim, was looking at the Ethos, but i'm not one to obsess over what anybody else has done, just looking for tools, magic wands, etc. to inspire exploration in new directions. I tend to build tracks around guitar sounds and real works better for me than a sim. The Swart is a pretty good example, something Buddy Miller has used to good effect. 

Ah yes, from the Petaluma days. IIRC, he was pretty tight with Mesa Boogie. 

Real Wrecks are way more dynamic and harder to record, It makes them super expressive in a great players hands, and a bit painful in those with less control.  This is assuming someone isn't using an express and cranking the gain - those are a lot more forgiving.  

Yeah, I don't care what anyone else uses...boxes are just tools.  In fact you look at something like a Wreck...basically no-one has them.  Yes, there are some major players with them, but a lot of them went to I'll say lesser known guitarists they never want to part with them.  


I'm a HUGE fan of small amps.  Trainwreck (by JM) has been working on a low watt Wreck design for a few years now, I'd expect we will eventually see it come to market and I look forward to that.

Yep, Kimock used Boogies for a while.  By the start of 2000 he was using a Dumble ODS pretty much all the time.  THen they sky rocketed in value and he started using Two Rock on tour and kept the Dumble for home/studio.  Give him any high headroom clean amp and you are going to get fantastic tone from him.   Also helps that he frequently plays gigs without monitors after really careful stage setup, so you get more purity of tone coming from the Amp.  



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On 1/20/2021 at 3:54 PM, Brian Walton said:

While this is true (and the same thing and more can be said about Wrecks), the reality is the core circut always has some base charactaristics.  I've played a few of them, and while they are all different there are a bunch of similarities.  My statment about them not souinding or responding like the real thing has nothing to do with those differences, it is about the core response of the techology as well as the reporduction of harmonics and distortion.  I've heard and played clones of the amps as well, and those can be closer than the modeler, I've heard some that are even pretty much spot on.  And A/B'd them with the exact same cab.

Copies don't sound like the real deal becuase of limitations in the technology, not becuase of variations between amps.  

These are also simulations made by FUCHS, not Dumble and his stupid gooped up circuit boards.

Best Dumble anectode would be Alexander Dumble refusing to build Eric Johnson an ODS by hanging up on him.

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1 hour ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

Best Dumble anectode would be Alexander Dumble refusing to build Eric Johnson an ODS by hanging up on him.

I actually have a true story that I think actually tops that one, but I don't think he needs more attention than he already has.  

It really amazes me his creations reached such mythical status.  A business model and personallity that was effectivly the polar opposite another famous boutique builder.  

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