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Audio and Zoom meeting

Pablo Vasquez

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I use a single interface. I have a Focusrite Scarlet 18i8 and have it setup like this for streaming.

I use the front inputs for guitar or any other input I need to be going into CbB. The outputs from CbB are set to go back out to the monitor and headphone outs as normal. The Focusrite units also have an inbuilt "loopback" within it's internal software. This allows me to take anything coming into the Scarlett and route it to the loopback internally on the Audio interface. Within the loopback settings I can also mix in a Live mic, connected into one of the spare front inputs, along with my CbB output. This loopback is then taken as the "live" input to any other software that I need to have that capability. So it can be used with Skype, Google Meets, Zoom, OBS etc. All of the Audio in and out of CbB uses ASIO for low latency so that you can, for example, play live guitar without any timing issues. The inputs from the loopback into the streaming sofware just use the standard windows audio drivers so there isnt any conflict with ASIO.

Now I know that not all interfaces have that same level of internal mixing that the Focusrite units have. However a similar way of getting the same functionality can also be had by taking, if you have them, a cable from the SPDIF out back into the SPDIF in. Sending the CbB outputs to the SPDIF, as well as your main outs, then briging them back into the other software, ie Zoom, by setting the inputs to be the SPDIF in. You will of course need the correct SPDIF cable.

Hope thats makes sense. Works flawlessly for me and allows me to livestream with CbB as part of my audio. Obviously the ability to do this will be dependant on the capabilities and connections available on your audio interface.


Edited by NealClark
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Solved, I used VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device for routing (https://vb-audio.com/Cable/index.htm) and Voxengo Recorder (https://www.voxengo.com/product/recorder/) plugin on master bus to route audio. Audio quality is good, but not good enough to notice subtle differences in mixes. I imagine it depends on the sender and receiver internet connections.

Greetings from Argentina!

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I  can record Cakewalk tutorials into OBS screen capture program no problem. It has a streaming option It took some fussing but I think what worked for me is the setting in Sound  Device properties/ Additional device properties/ Advanced tab   Uncheck the exclusive control box as in picture. Then Cakewalk can share the ASIO drivers and your interface with other software. 

You also need a Loopback function on your interface. 

Edited by John Vere
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  • 4 years later...

Hi, I think I have the same problem! I've been doing Skype sessions and my client can't hear audio from Windows. Despite both my condenser microphone and Windows sounds go through audio interface via an audio mixer, he only hears the mic!

I also installed Voicemeeter Banana but didn't get how to make it work!
Does someone has had this problem? Any help will be appreciated!

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The Zoom pedal does have an ASIO driver ( outdated?) but it’s simply the wrong tool. 
Lots of interfaces have podcast features now. 
The Zoom L8 is perfect for podcasting. It was designed specifically for that. Then my Motu M4 also works great. 
My new SSL2 also has loopback. 

Bottom line is you either have to hobble together a complicated haywire audio system that will leave you using WASAPI shared mode or get an interface that supports Loopback. 
Trust me, I tried! The only way I could run my Daw’s in ASIO was with the loopback feature. 
Doing what you want to do became huge during Covid therefore the new interfaces mostly now feature loopback. 

Edited by John Vere
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