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Help me move an entire section properly with Ripple Edit


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Please help me, I might have overlooked a simpler option here. ?

I need the fastest and easiest way of moving an entire song section (to another place within a song).

My requirements:

  • Delete empty hole when cutting
  • Shift stuff forwards when pasting
  • Also getting markers
  • Also getting bus data

1. Enable Ripple edit all
2. ALT + timeline drag (to select bus data - introduced in 2020.08)
3. CTRL + ALT + X and check all boxes (to get markers)
4. CTRL + V

Result: Everything is moved according to requirements. But it's a lot of specific steps! Is there not a faster way?!

1. Enable Ripple edit all
2. ALT + timeline drag
3. CTRL + X
4. CTRL + V

Result: No markers pasted!

1. Enable Ripple edit all
2. CTRL + A followed by timeline selection (or keyboard shortcuts for the same)
3. CTRL + X
4. CTRL + V

Result: Won't get bus data!

Thanks for any input!

Edited by GreenLight
Corrected typos!
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6 hours ago, lapasoa said:

Copy the entire song section.

The problem is, one can "Copy the entire song section" in several different ways... if you just CTRL + A, and use ALT + drag on the timeline to select measures, you lose bus data. If you just cut with CTRL + X, you lose markers...

Is it this messy for others, or am I doing something wrong?

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