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Splitting Midi Drums into individual audio tracks

Rick Stockhaus

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I have already split the midi drum track into individual midi tracks, but I can't seem to generate an audio track for each where I can apply effects, E.Q. etc. Do I have to have a drum map for each and every one of these new midi tracks or can I just somehow generate (or split) a new audio track for each of the new midi tracks. I know that there must be a way to do this. I'm currently using the free Si Drum Kit. I downloaded the Steven Slate kit but haven't had a lot of luck installing it yet. That's another issue for another thread. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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SI Drums has a single stereo output.


To break the kit out into separate audio tracks requires either:

  • separate instances of the synth for the kit pieces that should be on separate tracks or
  • bouncing the MIDI data separately adding audio tracks for each bounce.


The MIDI data could be in one track or multiple tracks.

When using a single MIDI track a drum map allows mapping the MIDI data to multiple synths or muting/soloing the notes to play.

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Of all the VST drums SI is not a good choice to do this. Most good VST drums can have multi channels output to audio. When you insert the synth you choose the multiple outs which gives you as many audio tracks as there are kit pieces.

Addictive Drums has a free demo you should try.  Just go to the XLN website https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/addictive_drums_2   create an account and follow the instructions. It involves installing the XLN online installer. You can also grab the demo of Addictive Keys too. Win Win. There are only a few limitations with the demos but there is a good drum kit minus the toms. No problem, use SI drums for the toms. 

I had that Steven Slate drums demo and got rid of it. I didn't like it. Mabey the full version is better but I have no time for half baked demos. 

As far as VST drums go there are some good choices and most have demos.

 Air Strike 2 its complicated to use but great sounds if you get the hang of it. It's always on sale but I think all the sales are over now.  I paid $10 for it a few years back. I don't use it because I like AD2 overall. I also have Session Drums which came with Sonar and it's my 2nd choice. 

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Hi Rick,

It's possible to split and control different parts of the SI-Drum kit to separate channels with which you can individually manipulate volume, add effects etc.

Mike explains this well in the second part of his video here;

I have attached a file I made following this method. You will note it had percussion in it which the SI-Drum Kit doesn't produce sounds for. I simply killed all the notes in the MIDI file for the TTS-1 which would have triggered all the drums already in the SI-Drum Kit.

After I got used to how Mike sets this up, it takes hardly any time at all to make a track like this. I copied in a MIDI file that was freely available from the internet and wrote my own bass line as the bass on the internet wasn't correct.

You could also get the free Steven Slate 5 sampler kit which allows you to slit drum tracks. It's a bit limited to 3 kits, but being free, it's awesome :)






Separate drum tracks off SI-Drum kit.cwpFetching info...

Edited by Harley Dear
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When I've done it, I filter the midi down to one instrument, freeze it, copy the audio to a new track and filter again for the next instrument. Repeat until you have what you want. Other ways seem to take more steps to get from midi data to audio.

I have also set up EZ Drummer to output to separate channels/tracks (16 if you pick stereo) and freeze those tracks.

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  On 1/8/2021 at 8:39 PM, John Vere said:

Here’s a question that will help. It’s been year since I’ve done this so what are the boxes you should tick in the insert soft synth dialogue if you want multiple outputs. There seems to be 4 possible choices 


For multi-out synths I usually click

  • MIDI Source
  • Synth Track Folder
  • All Synth Audio Outputs: Stereo

from the Soft Synth Options Dialog

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  On 1/8/2021 at 8:41 PM, oneofmany said:

Excellent substitute, but remember that you must click on the VSTi every time you reopen the project to hit the skip? Button to make it work if you don't pay for it. If not, no sound. 


That's a method that has been used for years by software developers to encourage donations. I prefer a nag at startup to ads any day. If you like the software, why not pay up?



Why donate ?

We put a lot of work into programming the plugin. If you plan to use it regulary, a small donation would show your appreciation and help to keep this project alive.

No more "SKIP" button or "Start Screen"!
Instead the plugin will open immediately, with instant sound.
Just enter the registration key we will send you after you make a donation.

(The plugin is fully usable even without making a donation. It is only to get rid of the start screen, in case it annoys you. And of course to support the product and the developer :)




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That must be why I uninstalled it. In a way I don't like it when plug ins are advertised as FREE and then you find out its really a 30 day trial or a limited demo. I'd rather be told right before I download the terms of use. The worst one that I just did was IK multimedia. It was a bunch of time just to authorize with the "manager"  and then you find out absolutely nothing is free> They are all just demos. And must have been 50 of the buggers installed cramming up my VST folder. To bad I think they make good stuff but that's not how you win me over. 

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  On 1/8/2021 at 11:42 PM, John Vere said:

That must be why I uninstalled it. In a way I don't like it when plug ins are advertised as FREE and then you find out its really a 30 day trial or a limited demo. I'd rather be told right before I download the terms of use. The worst one that I just did was IK multimedia. It was a bunch of time just to authorize with the "manager"  and then you find out absolutely nothing is free> They are all just demos. And must have been 50 of the buggers installed cramming up my VST folder. To bad I think they make good stuff but that's not how you win me over. 


Do you work for free, John? Small developers should be able to put food on their table. Supporting them is just good karma, IMHO. In all fairness their page says "Download free", which implies there might be a catch... and a nag is really no big deal, if you want to use it and you're broke.

But with big companies, I agree. When they say free, it should really be free. Usually as a loss leader, they know what they are doing when they release something for free, hoping that you will eventually buy one of their other products.

But as for the topic of this thread, MT does have multiple audio outputs. Something that the basic free drums included with CbB do not have.

Edited by abacab
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I absolutely like to support software developers. This last year alone I have purchased a lot of  plug ins from small vendors and developers. My favorite last month was the Youlean meter. And there's an example of good marketing and how to sell me something. let me have a limited featured demo , get me hooked and lusting after those missing features> I just love the drag and drop audio analyzer $30 well spent. I'm waiting for a good deal on the full version of Addictive Keys. I needed a few higher notes the other day and had to use True Pianos. That's one reason I mentioned XLN to the OP. The demos are very usable and no nags ever. 

Instead of free they could just say " try for free" . That's fine. And with ones like the MT drums it's no big deal  at least it is dead simple to download and install. Unlike the IK multimedia stuff.  And I almost expect some sort of "catch" to the freebies and when it happens I personally tend to move along and not waist time.  Like those BEEPS on some plug ins. That will last 2 minutes on my system :)    

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  On 1/9/2021 at 12:16 AM, abacab said:

The full version of one piano is now bundled for free with Focusrite hardware, as part of the software bundle. Got the Addictive Keys grand with my Scarlett. :)


Yes for sure- I have a Scarlett but  what I did was grab the Mark IV instead of the full piano.  I Do use the Mark VI but lately I'm really liking Velvet by Air, I actually think the Wurly is exactly like my beloved ( free) Mr Tramp which alas is only 32 bit. .  I might be buying the Scarlett 8i6 so I guess that's a bonus to purchasing it


By the way, I just downloaded and installed the MT drums and fired it up. I don't think the Nag screen is a problem at all. And all they want is a donation so even though I don't need another drum kit I might just do that because it is actually not bad at all. What I really like is totally on topic for this thread- Dead simple to assign each kit piece to an output. Just like Session Drummer.  I tried multi outputs with AD2 last night and could not find the toggles. Possibly it just goes to all 16 outs. I prefer to only use 4 to 6 just like I'm used to with analog drum mixes. 

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