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Drummers... You've Been Replaced!

Royal Yaksman

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That was dumbest thing I've witnessed humans waste their time on in quite some time.  Obviously I'm in the minority here, but I have ZERO interest in robot music.  Nothing.  None.  Notta.  I'm interested in human beings interacting with their instruments.  Cool drum parts are cool because a human is doing it - if a human is not doing it, then I 100 percent do not care at all about it. 

Poly rhythms are neat because a human being worked out how to do it and make it sound almost machine like - a machine being machine like doesn't do anything for me.  I fully expect to be able to build MIDI tracks no human could actually play - and I can't imagine why anyone would actually care when such a thing is accomplished, other than a few laughs over a bong cycle.  

Same with guitar, bass, flutes, vocals...all of the enjoyment for me comes from people and their emotions and ideas speaking through an instrument.   That's where creativity comes from - not endless options purchased from modern tool makers.  

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While I agree, most of us don't have ready access to a "real" drummer (I tried keeping an unused couch near a fridge of cheap beer to see if I could trap one though...?).

I definitely will use any robot willing to make the initial drum track so I can get on with things, however the plan is always to eventually replace the track with a real drummer later.  If you've heard my work-in-progress song Berry Jam, you can tell I tried to play the drums myself (but had only been playing for two weeks, they were V-Drums and it showed!).  Not sure if that helped the creative process or distracts.  The drums still make me cringe!  LOL.

All of that said, I can't see myself paying that much to have REAL drums and not find someone to play them.  Who needs 999 bpm anyway?

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No, I get it.  I programmed MIDI bass and drums on every recording I did for almost 15 years before I finally got a bass setup, and then another 5 before I got an acoustic drum kit.   We do what we have to do try to realize our ideas and enjoy them as much as we can with the tools we have.   

My comment and attitude is directed more to the robot being some kind of ideal, or preference.   It's certainly fun and entertaining.  But this movement of technology to replace human-instrument interaction is just plain weird.  

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8 hours ago, craigb said:

While I agree, most of us don't have ready access to a "real" drummer (I tried keeping an unused couch near a fridge of cheap beer to see if I could trap one though...?).

I definitely will use any robot willing to make the initial drum track so I can get on with things, however the plan is always to eventually replace the track with a real drummer later.  If you've heard my work-in-progress song Berry Jam, you can tell I tried to play the drums myself (but had only been playing for two weeks, they were V-Drums and it showed!).  Not sure if that helped the creative process or distracts.  The drums still make me cringe!  LOL.

All of that said, I can't see myself paying that much to have REAL drums and not find someone to play them.  Who needs 999 bpm anyway?

I think the only reason your drummer trap didn't work is because you also needed to put a sign on the front lawn that read:

"Drummers I respect you as musicians. I will also allow you to write songs and even try my best to play to whatever weird rhythm/timing/groove that has taken your fancy on any given week. This is not just BS so I can finish my EP and later dump you for someone much better, or replace all your hits with much, much better recorded samples. Though please note this is a world of give and take and that being said, would it kill you to shower?!!"

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18 minutes ago, Royal Yaksman said:

I think the only reason your drummer trap didn't work is because you also needed to put a sign on the front lawn that read:

"Drummers I respect you as musicians. I will also allow you to write songs and even try my best to play to whatever weird rhythm/timing/groove that has taken your fancy on any given week. This is not just BS so I can finish my EP and later dump you for someone much better, or replace all your hits with much, much better recorded samples. Though please note this is a world of give and take and that being said, would it kill you to shower?!!"

I wouldn't be able to write that without convulsing in laughter.  Maybe I'll leave a box out with cheap pizza in it next... ?

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